CJBROWN, the Etec's are mixed knowlege right now. From my area, only one dealer at the boat show even has them and I never see any on the water in the NC area I fish, so they are not an option at this time. Not sure what is up with that. One dealer that I talked to that used to have them pulled from his line due to lack of factory representation when needed, so figure they are still in growing pains.
I see a lot of e-tecs out here and have not heard complaints other that a few stirring the pot on THT. There are just a couple of upset owners over there and all of it suspect. All and all I have heard nothing but good on them. I had a 75 horse on a RIB that was fantastic, but we only put about 40 hours on it so couldn't get a good read for long term.
BTW, the dealers for e-tecs at the shows out here are the only ones that can run their motors in a tank
indoors at the show. If they weren't clean enough, there's no way in hell the CA Air Resources Board would let them do that. Talk about an uptite governing board out here. Also, the winterizing and flushing process for them is way ahead of everything else, and with no valve train or oil sump, maintenance is cut way down. I ran Amsoil HPi synthetic in mine and you could never see smoke, and only a whiff of 2-stroke exhaust very occasionally if you were idling with a tail wind. And that was at the richer oil setting, not the 100:1 lean burn setting.
An awful lot of dealers that got burned by the ficht disaster simply refuse to carry the line because of that. Unfortunately Bombardier is having a difficult time getting a good distribution network setup because of it.
My Grady buddy's cousin is an outboard tech and service depot on the island out here and he swears by them. I have another acquaintance that owns a multi-million dollar houseboat-rental empire here in western states, and they also swear by them. They simply wouldn't use them if they were trouble to them.
But you're right, there's still a lot of people holding their breath on this one. One thing to know, if anyone can do two-stroke it's Bombardier. They're an industry leader with their Rotax engines for experimental aircraft, and with their Sea-doo and Ski-doo products, as well as Polaris offroad products. Hard to knock that kind of success.
I would not hesitate one bit to go with them on a repower, but I have no prejudice on the brand, and was not boating during the 'rude melt-down. Gee, people buy Tohatsu/Nissans in hoards, talk about junk.