272 Sailfish Economy with Grady's Report


GreatGrady Captain
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Express 305
I posted a few weeks back about starting to consider some new to me four strokes for my boat if I can find a nice pair. That also got me researching what I should be seeing for numbers on what I have now. I was thinking I might be better off with 19p props but not really sure, I have 17's now.

Grady was kind enough to supply me with this report and I was wondering if anyone is seeing anything close to this with the OX66's. I am usually around 1.25mpg at 3800 rpm's and 27mph. I have played with the trim and tabs and I can get close to 1.4mpg in perfect conditions but no way am I seeing 1.7 @ 29mph and 3500 rpm's. I know weight and bottom paint make a different but this is pretty substantial.

That test was with a pretty light boat, at 1605# fuel, persons and gear. And a clean, unpainted bottom.

Have you added up the weight of your fuel, water, anchor, chain, rode, ditch bag, tool box, spares, flares, etc, etc. Then add the people weight and see how it compares to that test weight.

In addition to being painted, is your bottom really clean. Before we moved to FMB the boat was in a slip all year. I could tell by performance and fuel burn if I had a few dozen small barnacles on the trim tabs.