275 Freedom


New Member
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Freedom 275
Hello all,
I'm a new Grady 275 freedom owner and I'm looking for shade on the bow of the boat. Are there any suggestions that are out there? I know they have the shore shade option but I have heard mixed reviews.
A shade for use with the boat docked will be a lot different than a shade that you can cruise with. Even with the better shades, the bow is not a great location for a shade. Aerodynamically, there can be extreme forces exerted on the shade. Custom shades that can tolerate 15 to maybe 20 knots speeds are possible especially in places like Florida where there is a larger demand and therefore more choices for canvas work businesses.
In some cases, a forward mounted Bimini type of device is a better choice , The downside is that those are not easily removed and can get in the way when folded down. They also have their limits as to what speed they can tolerate.
Grady offers an option but it is not cheap and strictly sandbar. We have it and the quality is top notch.
Try Laportes Products in Charleston SC. They manufacture great canvas products that are reasonably priced IMO.
Grady offers an option but it is not cheap and strictly sandbar. We have it and the quality is top notch.
Does it hook into poles that go into the aft rod holders? If so, what are the dimensions of the shade itself?
Does it hook into poles that go into the aft rod holders? If so, what are the dimensions of the shade itself?
The dealer installed some smaller holes with caps in the side rails, not in the rod holders. Go to the GW site and look under options (236/Fisherman) to see a pic of how it attaches. I would think the size would be dependent on the boat size.
I just bought a new 275 to replace my older 228, and have recently discovered this web site. Looking forward to hearing about members activities. We are in Severna Park, and fish the bay some. Go to Florida to fish the Keys each year.

Bought the boat from Tristate down in Deale, and got the bow sunshade from Grady. Really love it, but it is NOT for running fast at all. Has two solid carbon fiber poles about 5 feet long, and they go into small fittings up on the bow. Strap to eyes back on the leading edge of the roof. Bought them to stop the sun down in the Keys as that August sun is really tough.

Have explored the Magothy, where we live, and discovered at least three other 275's on the river. Wondering if any are members of this Grady club? We are up near Hamilton Harbor on the south shore.

Looking forward to meeting some members, and learning a good deal more about things such as using my new Garmin 1243, which has been a pain so far.