in my mind a 22lb is way inadequate for a 282. but I also spend a lot of nights at anchor and sometimes in 25-30mph winds plus gusts.
im looking at taking off a 22lb delta plow and putting a 12kg(27lbs) Vulcan on my 270 for that reason. but if your just anchoring for the day then a 16.5 or 22 lb would be fine in light winds.. around Vancouver Island BC , the Rocna's are very popular (and work very well, quick setting, great holding)
delta's are great too, they self launch, a bruce/claw is another favourite but don't self launch in most boats. if you have deep pockets a stainless ultra anchor is superb, but 1900CAD$ for a 26
just as important as the anchor is the amount of chain. on the west coast id say have 50 ft of 5/16" G40 chain with 250-300ft of plait (8 strand). to anchor in 50-70ft when needed..... but im unfamiliar with water depths in San Antonio. what kind of anchoring are you going to do??!?