282 Sailfish new vs used?


Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
La Habra, Ca.
282 used 05 and 04 come with twin 225 yamahas for around 100k. The new 282 has twin 250 yamahas (of course no eletronics) for 150k (ballpark). Once I make the plunge just wandering what is the wiser choice to go. I won't be upgrading anytime soon so I'am looking at the long haul. This boat is perfect for southern Cal fishing / family. I am also considering buying new out of state just haven't spoken to any other dealerships.

I have a Duramax all ready to go to trailer her from Los Angeles to San Diego. Anyone else out there trailering this boat on a regular basis?

Thanks all. 8)
Kenlahr has one, that is his user name. He tows a 282 sailfish on a regular basis and has a sick custom trailer for it. You can pm him and also search his posts for picks of his new boat and trailer. He bought used, maybe he can explain why he chose that over new. IMHO it is cheaper to go used, and as far as the extra 50hp, not sure you can use it that often. From what I've been told by West Coast guys there are not a ton of days where you can really haul out there. The 225's should give you a good enough cruise, but if speed is of great importance, maybe the extra ponies are worth it. There are a lot of loaded used 282 out there which give you a lot more bang for your buck. I would look for one of them, if you find one that meets all your needs and has all you want, I would go for that. If you cannot find exactly what you are looking for and are going to end up changing half the boat to meet your needs, then new may make more sense. To me, I would rather buy a decked out boat with all the goodies for cheaper, and then use that saved money to buy more/better/newer fishing gear, just my 2 cents. If you do look used, make sure the boat has extensive service records, if it doesn't keep looking. Look for a boat with low hours and with good records and it will probably be a good choice. Good luck with the search, let us know what you decide!!
If you buy used and there is a problem who do you complain to? Unless the engines blow $50K can fix a lot of problems. If the boat's clean and maintained, I would go the used route.
I recently chose a used 282 '06 with low hours and well maintained with full electronics over a new smaller GW model. I was able to get into the GW model I really wanted. The benefit of used is the real savings on depreciation which is the greatest the first year. Also consider the fact that during the first year any warrantly issues are flushed out so a used boat wih 1-2 seasons will have that done if well maintained. Additional costs you need to consider is Electronics alone could be $10,000 with installations. CA tax I recall is over 8% so factor the sales tax difference on the higher price. At the end of the day you will have the same boat one sightly used the other brand new. Is the $50k-$60K difference worth saying you have a brand new boat? I lived in northern CA for 4 years in and I think this is solid boat to handle Pacific Ocean. I do not trailer as this is a large heavy boat with wide beam though others do it all the time. If your plans are the relatively calmer waters of So California and plan to trailer from LA to San Diego you may want to look at the Journey which is 25" walkaround and 8'6 beam so is a good trailerable boat but still offers twin yamaha's. Best of luck
For me it was simple, I could not afford new. That being said and trying to cover all of the 'What Ifs' associated with a used boat the answer was pretty simple for me. Save about fifty thousand when compared to a new boat, transfer the six year warranty to my name on the Yamaha motors (a little more than four years left) transfer the Grady warranty over (a little more than three years left) and I have almost new boat. God forbid and engine blows I am covered. Something major goes bad with the hull and again I'm covered. Works for me (and my budget).

What I find ironic is I almost would never consider purchasing a used car for my wife or myself, nor would I consider a used work van for the business. Only time I would buy a used vehicle is if I knew the previous owner personally, like a family member. Then again the average new car goes for about thirty thousand, not $150,000 like the new sailfish you mentioned.
My 282 on its "sick" :D trailer is pictured below. I bought used for a few reasons:
- Its a 2002 that had 86 hours on it when I bought it last year
- I know the owner
- I know it was very well maintained
- I saved over 60k
- I don't care for the new style transom

..........Most of the 60k is going into electronics..................

Bottom line, there are loads of GREAT 282's out there that have been very well maintained at great prices. Just shop around and look very closely at the boat. I trailer my 282 all over, no problem with a 2500 Ram (Diesel). This year we'll be pulling it to Jacksonville Fl and back up to Upstate NY. It will also see lots of trips to Va Beach and Ocean City Md. If you are looking for a custom trailer contact:
Gary R. Straw II
Assistant General Manager
p 800-258-6115
f 419-732-2183

PM me for any details.
I understand both sides of this argument because there are some things in my life I can buy used, shotguns for example or my work vehicles, but my boat nope! To me used vs. new on a boat depends entirely upon your personal ability to live with someone else’s choices, perhaps accept a boat that is not exactly what you want and overlook flaws and problems introduced by others in return for (and this is important) saving the depreciation on the day of delivery only. Any other savings are a real trade off and are a result of age, ware and tear which in my mind are a separate consideration.

It is worth the money to me to have the boat on my terms, configured the way I want it and new, but that is just my opinion.
Thanks bros. Man I am itching to pull the trigger here for sure! Therapy sure is expensive but worth it. Yeah most days in So Cal a medium cruise is more than enough to conserve fuel and to take it easy on the bait so it doen't get all beat to death before it's time to fish. Awesome replies thanks again. :D
Tunaboyyy said:
Thanks bros. Man I am itching to pull the trigger here for sure! Therapy sure is expensive but worth it. Yeah most days in So Cal a medium cruise is more than enough to conserve fuel and to take it easy on the bait so it doen't get all beat to death before it's time to fish. Awesome replies thanks again. :D

There's an '03 in yachtworld for $99G, boat is in Newport. Couple hundred hours.
The one in SD is probably still available, it was an '04 or '05 with 225's, had 120 hours. Guy never used it, we looked at it last fall.
And there's a 30' pursuit with twin F200's and an aluminum trailer that's in south OC too, about 500hrs on that one. Nice looking boat, $99G's too.

Schock has a new 282 in stock, they had it at the boat show. But with so many good used ones it wouldn't make sense to me to spend the extra $50-$60G's to get a new one.

They are BIG boats on a trailer, but do-able. Do a search here and you'll find the thread on the guy that tows from SF to Baja for fishing. Really good stuff.

I have my eye on a 282, but would consider an Islander if I was going to keep it on a trailer. Got my name in for a 30' slip in Alamitos Harbor. If that comes up I may get more serious about an in-the-water boat and sell my d-max.

Keep us posted...
Used is a nice way to go if you are handy and don't mind fixing a few things? the older the boat, the more things you will be fixing? It may cost a tad more, but my used boat buying experience has always been thru a dealer...at least there is someone to call if you have a problem or question? Plus if its a late model vessel...its most likely still under some kind of warranty or even extended warranty might be available?

If you are handy and go the used route, when you close the deal, put together a long list of all the stuff that is broken (the easy, cheesy stuff), like a broken sprayer for a fresh water wash, etc..that kind of stuff...then say you will take care of it..if they fix/replace/take care of something major...like say the windless, etc...

do your homework and you can save a ton of money buying a used boat.