290 page now on GW website

The 290 gained some ballast, now weights 7600 lbs !

No Sailfish replacement, looks more like a Marlin replacement.
BobP said:
The 290 gained some ballast, now weights 7600 lbs !

No Sailfish replacement, looks more like a Marlin replacement.

You do realize some have been stoned to death for saying less.
Hey that' s what the link reads, it gained a ton!

Don't blame me, I'm just dropping the anchor!

This boat has to replace something already in the line up, otherwise it's non-sensical. Seems more like a Marlin replacement at that weight.

Since it's not an express, it's either Sailfish or Marlin getting the boot !

I'm surprised these media advances avoid the discussion, not me.
BobP said:
Since it's not an express, it's either Sailfish or Marlin getting the boot !

As I have posted here on GG, Cathy and I crawled all over hull #1 of the 290 at the plant on May 22nd. We had dedicated time on it with two VPs - Cathy would have written a check right then if we had the money. :D

As I have also posted on here, it was made very clear that day that the 290 is replacing the 282. The 283 would continue to be built.

We attended the Grady Gathering in Solomons, MD 15-17 August, and Tri-State Marine brought a 290 to the gathering. I still think it is a great boat.

We would love to have a Marlin, but can't afford it. A Sailfish would have been an upgrade from our 270, but no generator. The 290 would meet our needs and, without the bowsprit, would fit in our slip here at the condo. Just need to win the lottery....
