33 Express 250 Yamaha Offshore 1 4 blade prop feedback


Mar 30, 2018
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Looking for anyone running the Yamaha Offshore 1 - 4 blade prop on a 33 Express w 250's. Looking for better lift in the lower RPM and following sea. Just aquired an 06 with spent props and have no basis for what the boat should be running .

Any advice on props and sizing greatly appreciate
Don't know about the Yamaha Props. But the Mercury Rev-4 will do what You want and they are great props.! They give Stern lift and You will be able to stay on Plane at a lower rpm.
Unfamiliar with the "Yamaha Offshore 1" prop is -- is that actually a Yamaha mfg prop or is an independent mfg?

You might want to get in touch with Ken @ Propgods -- he helped me select the props for my 330. I was planning on getting the Yamaha SWS II (3 blade prop) but they were impossible to find (this was a couple of years ago). I ended up getting the Mercury Thunderbolt which are apparently very similar. My motors are Yamaha 4.2L F250 Offshores which have a different gear ratio than the original F250's. I needed 15" pitch.

Ken advised that the Mercury Revolution 15" did not perform well and I've heard that from some other folks too.
Not the same engines but FWIW - I have 2006 F250's (3.3L). Four years ago I changed from the standard Yamaha SWS 3 blade 17 pitch props to Power Tech 4 blade 16 pitch props (OFS model) with shift dampener hubs. I have been very happy with them. I get more Low end torque and generally more "bight" in the swells. Top end may have come down but so did my minimum planning speed. Seeing about the same fuel economy - maybe a little better with the 4 blades. With the 3 blades, I cruised at 4,600 RPM's Vs. 4,300 with the 4 blades at the same speed. The newer 4.2L F250's should do better than this.
Running the same numbers at 4200 as 4600 is exactly what I'm looking . The power tech prop appear to be the props to go with. The new Yamaha props are most likely for the 4.2 liter 250's not the 3.2 liter models.

On the Power techs Are you running a 16 x 14 5/8 or 15
They are 16 pitch props. I had to special order them because the 15's were took low and the 17s were too high. The 16 pitch for me was "just right". As you know, the standard size pitch are in odd #'s (15, 17, 19, etc.).

Pretty sure the hubs are size 15 (same as the Yamaha SWS). Not the 14 5/8ths as I recall from 4 years ago.

PowerTech has a good exchange program. I do believe the 4 blade in the OFS model 16 pitch will do the trick for you. If not, it's a very good place to "start" your prop evaluation for what you're looking for. Good luck!
HMB - thanks for your reply , I will be reaching out to power tech this week . Boats getting splashed is a few weeks . I will post my results .

Any chance you know where your Auto Pilot computer is located

Thank You
Make sure your engine height is correct...most are to low. Huge difference in performance when combined with the right prop. Cavitation plate should be at or close to water surface at speed.....check it out next time out.
I ran Merc Rev 4 17 pitch props on my 2000 Marlin with twin 250s (which is for sale btw), and will be using those props on my new (to me) 2007 330 Express. Ken from Propgods recommended the 17s. I will be conducting a performance run with the stock props and then the Rev 4s to see exactly what the difference is. I loved the hook up of the 4 blades on the Marlin.
i plan on getting 4 blades on my hpdi's eventually in my 265 for the same reason
Put the boat in w the power tech 16 x15 1\4 4 blade ss ,
2006 330 express
Full fuel 350 gallons
Full water 50 gallons
1 person aboard , no gear
4000rpm = 18-19kt = 20gph
4300rpm = 22-23kt = 24gph
4600rpm. = 25-26kt = 26gph
5600pm WOT 31.5kt 46gph
My boat is not as big as what you guys have, but I'm running the OSF4 blade also on my F225. Very pleased with the performance.
bbattista44 said:
Put the boat in w the power tech 16 x15 1\4 4 blade ss ,
2006 330 express
Full fuel 350 gallons
Full water 50 gallons
1 person aboard , no gear
4000rpm = 18-19kt = 20gph
4300rpm = 22-23kt = 24gph
4600rpm. = 25-26kt = 26gph
5600pm WOT 31.5kt 46gph

IMHO, decent numbers given the full load. Regarding the AP computer, my Simrad is mounted on the STBD bulkhead in the aft berth. My 03 330 was customized from the factory by a NC marina with a tower so I'm not sure where the stock install would be.