On Saturday, I decided to install my new Fusion MS-RA670 in my 2006 330. I wanted to run new line and nema cable to panel where my nema network is located. Also decided to run new AWS12 power cable for the hell of it. I can use for amp or whatever. I’m going to install new speakers in stern under gunnels so ran 1 30 ft NEMA cable, 1 AWS 12 gage 3 wire power cable and 4 speaker wires from existing Kenwood stereo to behind fuse panel in cabin. Not a fun job! Probably an easier way but couldn’t figure out so we just ran the wires down behind fridge taking a left inside tube that goes down past AC where we made left and went thru forward budge tube across to other side and then up and up again into box. Whew!
I’m probably going to add an amp since I think you need one for 3 zone.
next project, replacing TV!