360 express aft fish box removed


Mar 30, 2019
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Atlantic City , NJ
Express 360
Photos for reference if anyone needs to see below the box, removal was to replace a starboard pull out underwater light. AC lines are easy to remove and do not empty the cooler ac system thanks to sealed connections similar to a minisplit home unit. Removed the screws under the lid and carefully cut silicone seal with a plastic knife. Hardest part was getting drain hose off of barbed plastic elbow.8A99D73A-F142-470E-8374-052FF6657783.jpegBE8E79FF-D3C1-48C1-BE41-074B2C2AD472.jpeg1CB3EB4A-4B20-4D04-9625-51AEA6A8EECD.jpeg
hi - I am planning on removing the aft fish box on my Grady 360 express to replace hoses . Removing the box will make access easier since the generator is in the way. The pics you posted are helpful - I was wondering if you remember how heavy the box was and how easy/difficult it was to disconnect/reconnect the quick connect refrigerant illness. Did you need to recharge the system because of lost refrigerant? Any info would be helpful. Thanks
hi - I am planning on removing the aft fish box on my Grady 360 express to replace hoses . Removing the box will make access easier since the generator is in the way. The pics you posted are helpful - I was wondering if you remember how heavy the box was and how easy/difficult it was to disconnect/reconnect the quick connect refrigerant illness. Did you need to recharge the system because of lost refrigerant? Any info would be helpful. Thanks
You will need two guys, the way i did it was use plastic wedges as i cut (several toilet spacers work well, they are small and cheap at home depot) under the flange......cut the silicone/caulking very carefully with a sharp edge or knife being careful not to touch the gelcoat, also make sure you remove the tiny cruisair screws hiding the temp sensor on the port side and push the sensor through the hole in the fishbox. Unwrap the high/low side insulation (under port side) and disconnect the lines being very careful with the pipes not to twist or kink them....Next remove drain hose from elbow. We used glass suction handles for lifting glass/granite/marble......one on each side and pulled it straight up......DO NOT GET CUT UNDER THE EDGE TRYING TO PULL IT OUT WITH FINGERS!
NOTE: Call Grady and buy the new scupper drains that are stainless vs. white poly that are there now and install with new hardwall hose...2022-10-13.jpg.you will like the look much better and they fit perfect using plumbers putty on the tapered seat and threads of the new scuppers.
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