If one is looking at this soley from a cost benefit perspective, then changing the prop to gain fuel savings and hoping to recover the money and then save a bit more, then perhaps it is not a good investment.
Now if you need a new prop or props and you have to spend the money regardless, then 6% savings is a no brainer, it is like a tiny rebate every rotation of the wheel. In my case I needed a new prop, well a spare to run to the Bahamas last year, so I bought the 4 blade prop. Overall performance for my 228 improved beyond fuel economy. Our engines have a finite duty cycle or life. It seems to me if my motor is working less to do the same job, it should have some marginal benefit toward increasing the life of the motor. Just speculating on this though.
I can tell you my boat runs better in sloppy seas and following seas with the 4 blade and unless you only plan to use that sailfish in a lake or something, you will appreciate it if you notice the improvements in handling in following seas, better hole shot ( while this may not make a big difference, the quicker the boat gets on plane the more fuel you save due to that hole drag thing) sure it is pennies, but pennies add up. Anyway, I am very pleased with the results of changing props. Granted your boat may not respond like mine did or does. Something to consider.