96 Sailfish 272 - what to look for


Active Member
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
North East Wisconsin
As previously posted in the towing with the D-Max thread we are going to look at a 96 – Sailfish 272 this weekend. This could be our first Grady – I have been reading this forum for a year and looking for a Grady for longer. Currently running a mid 70’s Make CC – (anyone looking for a project) and its time to move up. We plan to inspect the boat Friday while it’s on its trailer then sea trial Saturday morning. One of the local marinas here has offered me their moisture meter so that will help, they also opened up their storage building for us to look at a similar boat – same model one year newer. I understand the major Grady stuff to look for – transom, Fuel tanks, thru hulls (still the plastic version) ect. But what else should I be looking for, those of you with this hull what have been your issues, any known faults ect I should check? Boat has sat a bit, Hull seems in decent shape from the photos but we will see when we get there. Motors (Evinrude Ocean Pros @ 200) are reported to run well – with compression good across all cylinders. She has been in the salt but may be coming to Lake Michigan.

Thanks in advance

Note sure about your budget but I would consider a 97 instead if possible. That is the year the EFI225 Yamaha was introduced on the 272. I used to run to the stream with a 95 272 from our marina with the 200s. I would burn 132g on my 97 and he would burn 160g. They EFIs are also much quieter and smoke less.

I would expect there to be a big price break with the technology shift and would try to get a 97 or newer unless the price is really low on the 96 ( and others older).
I would love to get as new as possible but to be honest this newer then were looking at. We had our sights on a early 90's boat just wanting to get into the new hull design. Love GW204's boat but not in the cards. So when we found this 96 at a price we could afford we decided we should at least go look at it. It will need some items - Bolsters and cushions but from the photos it at least is worth a look see.

Check in the bieg,smell they use a plywood that they cover with fiber, they drill into the ply to mout the pumps and it gets funcky smelling all 3 pumps are mounted that way. A way to see if it's been wet, un screw a pump screw and see what you see. If it's black or got stuff on it , check it out more.
Hire a boat surveyor with experience in Gradys.

Tell him you want the stringer grid, deck, and hull coring evaluated - along with the transom. Specifically, for water intrusion and/or rot.

If the engines have been checked out fine, otherwise hire an OMC mechanic for a pre-purchase evaluation, ask for written report.