Adding acr an 3rd battery bank

In that case, the 3rd +charge wire goes to the same terminal as the ACR yellow wires. The -charge wire goes where the ACR black wires go.
I know it seems like splitting hairs but for the charger to properly charge the house bank as one battery it should be connected that way.

oh, the diagram does not show the motor grounds(-12V). Ideally, they connect to the neg terminals of their respective start battery.
I did not do that with the stbd neg in this case because it would have to cross over to the port side.
I connected it to the House neg terminal which is already connected to the stbd battery by the pre-existing neg wire that crosses from stbd to port.

I'm interested to see how the ACRs work out with the charger. The problem is if the charger is cycling different batteries at different times the ACRs will feel that charge and possibly connect the charge to the House even though the charge is not trying to charge the House on its charge wire. This is not unique to your new configuration. Anybody with multiple Banks and ACRs and a multi-bank/multi-cycle charger will have this dilemma.
Okay thanks. I'll let you know as soon as I get a opportunity to change everything around