Adding an auxiliary fuel tank


Active Member
Mar 29, 2013
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I have a 2004 GW 282 Sailfish with a 150 gal fuel tank. I’m interested if anyone has an aux fuel tank on this boat. Mine has an AC unit below the bunk under the cockpit. Not sure if that’s where it normally was placed but with the AC unit no room for anything but the main tank. Don’t use the AC so it could definitely come out.
My 05 Marlin has two 150 gal tanks in the center below the removable deck. I would guess there's enough room in a Sailfish to have more than a single 150? How far aft does your single 150 sit? My second tank stops before the cavity below the midship berth. My holding tank and a few other things sit below the midship berth.
I haven't pulled the removable deck above the main tank yet. Figured space would be filled and foamed in. I'll check now. Thanks.
Very welcome, should be your main tank plus some open space. I'm surprised Grady would rig a Sailfish with a single 150. My deck has 2 separate removable deck hatches, the smaller aft hatch is only the bilge, generator, pumps and such. The larger forward removable deck is where my tanks are.