alarm problem on a yamaha

orange/pink i i want to say Grey with black is the color wire on the tilt sensor, (this is without looking at a schematic)
then it goes into the CDI box
that is the tilt/trim indicator

BobP you should read my DEALERS trouble shooting guide
explains the whole thing in lay man's terms

It is the best system out there!!!!
No check valves like merc
called a that i mean that i called some one with more expreinence than all of us...i c aled jimmy's...jimmhy shot it down to one of two things,than he shot it dolwn to the ground connection...showed me what was wrong,then repaired what whas wrong..
i didn't want to post this,bob p sure has a problem with jimmy,however whatever jimmy has as a referral to,bobp,has something to sayjimmy spent probly 10 nins finding the problem...
I never had a ground problem w my 200 yami, but there is an in line oil filter under the main tank that will stop oil flow to the under hood tank. That can cause a headache if you are unaware of it and you learn the hard way.
whitey said:
called a that i mean that i called some one with more expreinence than all of us...i c aled jimmy's...jimmhy shot it down to one of two things,than he shot it dolwn to the ground connection...showed me what was wrong,then repaired what whas wrong..
i didn't want to post this,bob p sure has a problem with jimmy,however whatever jimmy has as a referral to,bobp,has something to sayjimmy spent probly 10 nins finding the problem...

I saw this coming a while ago. No one else see a pattern here? Here's a hint.... Whitey = Jimmy's. He's been known to do it before, (check out "sledge" on Sad....very sad.
Sounds to me like he already knew what the problem was. Probably had this problem a while ago and just wanted to see what people had to say. Whoever he is, or whatever the case may be... all it did was waste peoples time on here.
"More experience than all of us".... nice... real nice. That's what we get for trying to help someone. Keep that in mind the next time he posts something.