Anyone Offshore in an Adventure 208?

wondering if you did any off shoring..I'm in the same boat so to speak as you. I have a 208 and moving to galvaston
I got beat up for saying the 208 is not that good of a boat for offshore. That said, Grady makes good boats. The boats can handle more than any of us want to handle. Your 208 will handle a lot but you have to pick your days. I have to pick mine in a 228. I fish with Jens who has a Canyon 271, yes, bigger is better.

The 208 is a fishing machine, it's a much better boat than the 218 (sorry 218 owners). But it is a small boat. A very sturdy small boat but still a small boat. You can go offshore in it on nice days but not on shitty days.

Pick your days.
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