ap11 woes

Yes thanks Bill however my Smartstick only has thin Black and white cables, which i connected directly to the control box.

The head unit has a small plug on the back with i think 4 wires exiting and there appears room to put another plug in there for piggy backing? does that sound right?

I'm really starting to think I have bigger issues maybe and that's why I asked about the other alternatives. I was pricing a Garmin control unit here recently......
I have an AP11 and it has really never worked properly. Now when I turn it on I get Actuator FAIL. Where do I begin to look to fix this issue. This driving manually is the pits.

I know, I know.. It is not going to be cheap. BOAT
Sounds like between you and jeckyl, you could maybe make 1 good AP system... :lol:

Actuator fail error sounds like a message that the pump is inop. If that;s true, could you have a blown pump fuse somewhere in the system? Maybe a fuse at the pumo, or the junction box, or possible even a boat wiring fuse? That's where I'd start looking. Check to see of the pump is getting voltage. If so, and it doesn't run, it may be bad. If no voltage when the pump should run, find out why. You can test the pump by applying 12v to it, and see if it turns the engines.

If you decide to replace the system, jeckyl islooking for a J3000 junction box!!! :wink: