Armrest Deterioration


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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I have a Tournament 225 that is six years old. The captains chair armrests have been deteriorating over the past two years. They are cracking. I called the Grady White dealership. They informed me that they do not sell the chair components. They said if I have any issues with the chairs, I will need to replace the entire chair at a cost of $1,500 per chair. Has anyone had any experience in fixing or replacing their chair components, especially the armrests?
The seats on my Marlin are from Pompannette... I called them with a slider problem and they were able to send me a replacement unit... Assuming yours are also from them, give them a call and they should be able to hook you up with new arm rests to install...
Let me know how much they charge for replacements, mine are badly discolored but still in decent shape...
I bought a 2004 Tournament 225 from Parker Boats , Daytona Beach FL in Jan.They replaced the cushions and armrests on both pedestal chairs with Grady parts. I would contact them.
If you have the Pompanette "Deluxe" chairs, there was an issue with the early 2000's where suntan lotion on your arms would cause the pads to discolor and fall apart.

GW is aware, and has a fix. You need to call Customer Service (252-752-2111) with your HIN. They will send you a set of replacement pads that glue over the discolored / damaged pads.
I did the free fix as well. Local Grady dealer had them and just handed me the set, no questions asked. Basically a rubber boot that is glued over the old armrests.