Atlantic Highlands Marina


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
Sandy Hook NJ
I have a chance to dock my boat at the Highlands. Does any of you dock there? I am interested to hear your thoughts on how good or bad it is to be there. I have a center console Chase. Just want to know the pros and cons before I decide to jump in.

cant get any better parking fuel bait live that is love that place if i could id have a slip long wait list from what i hear Ive been going there since the 80 s
One of the worst marina's in the area fior a few reasons. With a Noreastern, your boat will get beat to hell. There is very little protection in the harbor. A few guys from my marina usually go there once my marina closes, but nolonger do since they all have chipped transoms from storms. This season my marina stayed open another month at a very high price, for my 265express it would have cost me $1800, the Highlands is much cheaper, yet all the guys who stay in longer opted to pay the high price and save their boats then pay less and get beat up....I think this is reason enough. Usually when big storms come, you NEED to sit at the boat and watch it, otherwise do not be surprised if it is beat up a bit. Yes, parking is great, but with all the head boats there, it brings in tons of strangers and it has one of the highest theft rates of any area marina due to this. IMHO you could not give me a free slip there, I'd trailer my boat before I left it there. As for the price, during the season it is competative with other marina's so I do not see a reason to go there. Unfortunetly, if you do not go there, you are left wth not a ton of options. You can go up the river a little, but the current is a PITA. Leonardo has a very long waiting list. Port Monmouth has a waiting list, and they already did selections for slips for the season, although this would be my choice, it is where we have left our boats for 14 years, no thefts, great people, and super clean. Also, best location for ease of fishing, it is smack in the middle of the bay, so nomatter what you fish for and what time of the season, it is a fairly easy and close ride. You other options are to go to Keyport marina, but if you have a hardtop it will not work because of the bridge, Brown's is your other choice. Has a big channel to enter, but you have to pass sailboats and go slow, and the current can be strong at times. Vikings Marina is very nice and easy to get in and out of, but they are probably sold out as well. Lockwood may have some slips. In all honesty it is a tough call, and you may have to settle for a season before you can get to the marina of your choice. No matter where you go, Atlantic Highlands Marina would be my last choice on the list.
I went down there today to get a better prospective of the layout and see what everyone was talking about. I was not impressed, especially with the ladder to get to the boat. My sole reason for looking to dock there was ease of bait, fuel and location to fishing grounds. I currently have a slip in the Navasink, which takes me about 40 min. to get to the hook. Gas and time are wasted, but I have a secure dock and safety from storms. I will look at the other marinas mentioned.

i'm at gateway. great guys, but not cheap. in water slips floating docks with full fingers and rack storage. a little hairy getting back in the slips at certain tide change times. pretty easy to layup to the t-docks for rack storage at just about any time. ron
I second Gateway as being an excellent group of guys, and everything else ElyseM says. It can be somewhat hairy parking when the tides run real strong, but it can be done. Rack storage there would be preferred IMHO, but it may not be for you. Being at Gateway also gives you preference when it comes to maintenance over others since you are a member of the marina. They are the area's Yamaha dealer that I would recommend. They are family owned and have done service on our engines for years and have done an excellent job. They also repowered our older Grady in 2000 and did a great job on that. Being in this part of the river gives you access to get out a lot quicker then where you already are, and it also gives you a prime spot to find bunker during the spring bass season which is a plus. It is also nice because you can start the season early flounder fishing on just the other side of the bridge, and as you approach the marina you can see what they bay and ocean look like to figure out where you may run to and fish.
did you know that they used to own your marina before the county took it?
Yup, the county has done a great job, partially because one of the guys who ran the yard for gateway took a job to run the marina under the county. It has always been an excellent location and well kept marina. At times I wish it wasn't county owned, but that won't change. If only the marina had a restaurant or something overlooking the water....
There are those days where I wish I could walk somewhere and grab a beer or burger after being on the boat. How long have you been at Gateway? We've been taking our boats there since 1997 for service.
Well guys I decided to stay up the river at the Molly Pitcher. Hearing of hairy docking with certain tides made my decision easy. I hate docking and thankfully where I keep my boat current and tides don't affect me to much. Unfortunately the ride is a bit long to the fishing grounds, but nothing is perfect. Perhaps this summer we can organize a fishing trip, since we are all local. Anyway thanks for all the advice.