Average discounts in today’s market? 235 Freedom

We want this boat for a max of 1 or 2 yrs. We had originally bought a 425 HTX Galeon at the boat show in Feb 2022 don’t remember but it was either Ft Lauderdale or Miami boat show since we had gone to both. I talked my wife into not doing it as the economy was about to take hit and knew interest rates were going to go up. We also like the Galeon GTO that came out approx a year ago but still not what she wanted so waited. We however did attend the palm beach boat show this year and like the schaffers which is a more “reasonable” boat in comparison to the Galeon. I have convinced the wife to get a dual console in the mean time so I can fish and she can get the shade she needs when we are out in the boat at the cove in clear lake. So I am open to anything under or around 200k and expect some loss but not going to take a 90-100k for 2yrs max of usage. I did the electronics to be safe as possible when out into the gulf and if weather kicks up I can see what is comming our way.