Basic Trim Tab Question Operations---HELP


Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Chucktown, SC
Question: do the trim tabs operate independent of each other or do they go in opposite direction; meaning that when trimming one down the other retracts?

The reason I'm asking is that i was trying to trim both tabs in the down position in order to get more lift at the transom for faster planing and reducing my planing speed - using them similar to how airplanes would use their flaps.

any help much appreciated.

226 Seafarer
They can work independently or together, depending on which way you move the the joystick/rocker switches. With a joystick controller, moving the stick to the 12:00 position will make both tabs move down simultaneously, 1:30 position will make port tab only move down, 3:00 port tab down/starboard tab up, 4:30 starboard tab up only, 6:00 both tabs up, 7:30 port tab up, 9:00 port tab up, strbrd tab down, 10:30 strbrd tab down only. I hope that description makes sense.

If you have rocker switches, it's a similar pattern based on which switch you move up or down. But since I don't have this controller, I'm not sure the pattern.....
They work independently of each other with the switches. Of course if you hit the switches at the same time they will move at the same time. If you are trying to lift the stern simply press both "Bow Down" switches to lower the trim tabs and raise the stern.
They're kinda independant if you have Bennetts, Lenco's are more independant. Lenco's have motors in each tab where Bennetts have a hydraulic pump to fill each tab. With the Bennetts you cannot have one going up and one going down at the same time or you will blow the fuse. Either both up or both down or individual operation is OK.

With that out of the way, you can have one up and one down or one more down than the other to trim the ride. Play around with them and get used to their operation and how the boat reacts, just don't have them down in a following sea.