I purchased this well maintained boat last year. I have 2 banks of (4) Cranking Interstate batteries on it now so I want to change out the batteries (over 3 years old) this Spring. I would like some input on keeping all the batteries as Cranking or should I mix in a couple dual purpose or Deep cycles into the mix. AGM's? Any suggestions or recommendations?
My batteries last 6 years. Unless you detect a drop off in battery performance, I don't see a need to replace. I am sure that some may argue the point but waiting till one seems to be getting a tad weak before replacing all,has worked for me.
There are a few factors that will adversely affect battery life: Hoe temperatures is up on the list. Batteries in the south don't last as long as those up north
Over-charging usually due to a not so smart battery charger or a bad motor regulator
Deeply discharging cranking batteries. They like high draw for short bursts unlike deep cycle that don't like high discharge rates but do like long and slow drain.
A lot of forks really praise AGMs. I am not so sure they are the best bang for the buck for my small boat.
Regarding the mix of battery types and what type they are,; If the current (pardon the pun) setup last 4 or 5 years with your typical usage, I recommend that you replace with the same types. Sort of "If it ain't broke, don't ix it".