Battery runs low on anchor


Jul 3, 2024
Reaction score
Express 330
I have a 2009 33 Express.My batteries are less than a year old.When I anchor and leave my electronics on my battery that is connected to the port engine runs low in about two hours.I then have to switch my battery switch to both so that it will charge up again.Does anybody else have the same issue.
exactly what is left powered up? Do you have a fridge or chillers. Any kick butt stereo?
Radar left on?

Also something doesn't sound right.
You say you have to switch to BOTH to get the first battery charged,
If you have to use BOTH to start the first motor, switch the battery switch to the port battery and see what the voltage output of the port engine is. I am not sure that the port motor is charging the battery at all.

Also confirm your battery arrangement. Are there two batteries in total or two batteries, one for each motor and a third(or fourth) battery for the house loads? I would be surprised if that size boat only had two batteries.
define "Electronics" VHF(s), MFD(s), sonar, radar?
How many batteries?

No 2500w stereo?
No refrigerator?
No AC?
No pumps running?
No Lights?

generally, the "port battery" only starts the port engine and runs one bilge pump and maybe the stereo memory.

Generally, the House runs on the stbd side batteries. This may be different for your 330. Look at the manual for the diagram and post a picture.

Seasick is onto something when he says the Port engine may not be charging.
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this is the battery layout for a 2009 Express 330. "Main" comes off the Starboard batteries. you may want to recheck the install. good luck, ron


Looks like all the heavy loads are on the Port bank. Windlass, thruster, power assist pump.
They will run batteries down quickly if the port motor isn't running and charging.

Assuming you are running the motors when using these..

I would check the port motor to see if it is charging