Battery Size?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2015
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I have a 27 Sailfish with 3 batters and isolators. My house battery needs replacement. I will not be at the boat anytime soon so, wanted to get one before getting back down. I don't recall offhand what size it is. I run the typical stuff; GPS/radar, VHF x2, AM/FM radio. I plan on installing a inverter over the winter for microwave use.

Any ideas of what size battery is appropriate?

We have four batteries. Two starting batteries, with switches, so either or both can start either engine. Two deep-cycle batteries in parallel for the house bank.

The auxiliary charging leads from both engines are connected to the house bank.

OEM three-bank Charles Charger keeps all three topped up.

1,000-Watt inverter fed from house bank to power up microwave for brief periods, as well as other AC loads when not on shore power.

ocnslr said:
We have four batteries. Two starting batteries, with switches, so either or both can start either engine. Two deep-cycle batteries in parallel for the house bank.

The auxiliary charging leads from both engines are connected to the house bank.

OEM three-bank Charles Charger keeps all three topped up.

1,000-Watt inverter fed from house bank to power up microwave for brief periods, as well as other AC loads when not on shore power.


Thanks for the response. My two starting and one house batter are wired as yours. I wasn't sure about what type of batter to get for the house battery. I could have sworn I read or heard before that deep cycle batteries should not be constantly charged unless the charge is taken far down. I am not sure if there is any truth but, since it wired to the auxiliary of the starboard motor it would be always charging.

Have you ever heard this?
Get the largest capacity deep cycle or AGM that will fit in the space, there's few things less useful than amperage left on the store shelf ...