Question.. i have a 27 ft '' Chase '' just put two new batteries in it.... I'll prob. be using it once ever two weeks or so... do i need a battery tender ???? I'ts in So Cal........ do you have a recommendation on a solar powered one or all they all pretty much the same on Amazon or at West Marine ?? , and here's the key question, do i need 2 of them or can i just hook one up to the so called'' starting '' battery.. the batteries are joined by a negative jumper. Thx
There are some loads that are unswitched. Their drain is small but it's not zero. One example is a memory feed for a stereo ( to keep the memorized stations). Another possible load is an electronic water sensing bilge pump. I don't like the auto style since it checks every few minutes to see if there is water in the bilge. There are some alarm systems that also draw some standby power.
I suspect you will be OK if all your equipment is original or replaced with similar parts.
On a side note, on my 208, for the winter, I disconnect the battery grounds. I top off the batteries with a smart charger. I do not remove them, they sit in the boat all winter. I have done this for 17 years and my batteries always have enough omph to crank over the motor in the spring. Of course during the course of the boating season, I look for any battery weakness and if needed, replace the batteries. For some unknown reason, the batterers in my 208 last about 7 years