Best boat you never owned?

Buffalo Btms

Active Member
Feb 12, 2019
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Ready, set, GO!

Now that I've slept on my own Marlin, it's a 456 Canyon for doing the Great loop. Never going to happen, barring a Powerball win
Not mine but my grand fathers. It was a long narrow fishing boat with a 25hp Johnson. Thing was made of wood and fiberglass. Rode so nice and my dad and I fished the lake in Maine for years.
16ft Landau jon boat, Mom and Dad gave it to me for christmas. I wish I still had it!!!!
1991 GW Dolphin 250....Best layout, wish they still made them.
My current boat, a 205 Freedom. I just feel so lucky to have it. To me it is plenty big enough and couldn't ask for a better boat in that size range.
Viking sportfisher, be ballin' if I had one, but that's not going to happen, so I'll just stay humble and keep my Seafarer. Maybe someday move to a Sailfish or Marlin, but I need to live on the coast for that, which at this point and time with Dorian coming, happy I live in Kentucky.
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1995 208 Adventure. Raised our daughter on that boat. Took that boat as far as Green Turtle Cay in the Bahamas. Certainly subsequent boats have given a better ride, but that boat holds the most memories.

In ten years of ownership, the only non-maintenance repair was a fuel tank sending unit.

Well, just caught the title of the thread. In that case, a Canyon 336 with AC for doing the Loop and all that space for flying a kite when I’m not.
Well, being from NJ, I have to say any Viking sportfisher. However, my brother has a place on the same canal in Pompano Beach FL as Merritt and they have been making the most beautiful luxury SFs that anyone could dream about.

Coming down off that cloud...

The Contender Fisharounds are the closest thing to a center console the I have dreamed about.
The 30' Pursuit Offshore Express is mighty fine too.

never owned the 13' Sears Gamefisher that we used to stare at in the store when we were kids.
Having 1 foot in the 12' Montgomery Wards flat bottom my grandpa had and 1 foot in a Viking sportfisher looks odd, but feels right.
I want a 44' Calvin Beal from S&W Boatworks in ME set up for cruising and fishing.
Pursuit OS 355. Or if I was to dream bigger, I would go with a big ole Viking battle wagon.
10' mirrocraft with a 4ph Evinrude 2 stroke. Pulled traps, fished and had a ball as a kid and my father paid all the bills!
The best boat I've never owned is my next one! :)

But... on my list of "would love to haves"... Back Cove. Love those downeast picnic boats - made not too far from me in our place up there in ME, too. Would love a Hinckley... but that's REALLY dreamin'!
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It was a 13 ft Boston Whaler with a 18 HP Evinrude that was for sale in our neighborhood when I was probably 13 years old. I looked at that thing every day for a whole summer drooling. Then one day my dad and I walked by it and he said "You know , I wanted to buy that for you, but I couldn't because I can't afford to buy each of my children something like that". It broke my heart but I understood.....he was feeding and clothing 9 kids on a cops salary. But MAN....that boat was SWEET! :)
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Always had a heart for a Carolina flare on a 45+ foot express or convertible with a pair of kick butt diesel inboards. Cruising out in that battle wagon at 35+ knots just eating the waves like candy and crushing 40 knots if the mood struck me. Love the lines of some of the Viking yachts!
Pursuit OS345

Gonna start up a Go Fund Me now!!
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Anything made by Winter Custom Yachts works for me:
I am lucky enough to get some invites on a 61 Viking that has a 38 knot cruise and she’s an absolute beast, but those Winters take it to another level. I was next to a 37 Winter ( Ricochet) in Tortolla In November. Unbelievable!