A beautiful day cruising Lk Superior along Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, with the wife, grandkids and puppy
Lunch on 12mile beach and some rock hunting.
Love the versatility of the Baby Grady. You have to pick your days, but big water, inland lakes, and rivers are all open for exploring.
Thanks for that Jeff! Yes, with all the adoration given to the "Oh so popular Seafarer," by so many, sometimes the little BIG boat gets just the occasional nod. We have enjoyed very much our 2006 208 for the last 10 years. The perfect boat for two..fishing cruising crabbing and prawning, yes and boat camping. Yes we have taken greenies over the bow, but mostly sunshine and fairly flat water here on the Island. Great fuel milage, stable platform, and as a quite a few have commented " that is a beauty...you stole my boat! Anyway just had to sing out about the best "little big boat" on the our beautiful west coat . It is ok to disagree....just do not say it out loud p.s. I think the Fisherman 180 is smaller
gotta luv our little big boats, the spirit 175 is smaller than the 180 with much lower gunnels
still has a 48 gal tank and with the repower to the 115 yamaha has awesome range
just gotta pay attention to the weather