Bilge pumps the same?


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
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So, am told the aft bilge pump is acting up on the new boat. Was trying to see what they run, so was curious what pumps you guys replace them with.

Assuming they are not that fancy or expensive, but if it is out, going to want a solid quality one to replace it with.

Any suggestions?

Not getting it till I check the thing out, just seeing what is out there.


the two most popular brands - RULE and Johnson - both make quality products, don't skimp here do it once & done.
Do you know if you've got a separate float switch, or is it built in with the existing pump?
Don't get a 24 volt pump (rare) if yours is setup for 12v.
Easiest thing to do, if you've got a quality pump in there now is replace with the same that way the mounting setup is the same.
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Yea, not sure what it is, but totally agree with you, never skimp on bilge pumps.. lol.

Figured there might be a "standard model" that folks use... was trying to see what sort of cost they have. The original owner sent a $600 check for the pump and the radio.. I thought it was way overkill, so plan to replace them and then send him the remainder, but was just looking around to see what there was out there.

Let a friend borrow a bass boat once.. never again. I went out on an early morning COLD bass tourney and we finally get to the spot we planned on.. thawed a bit.. and realized the boat was sinking.. he neglected to tell me he had accidentally broken the bilge pump.. heh

Good lesson.. but, I always replace with the best for things like that :p

Thanks bud!

I'd use a Rule if you have room. Match the GPH the best you can. A bigger pump may seem better, but you have to have the right diameter hose to evacuate it. Some GWs use Attwood pumps. If you get the same approximate GPH and exit flange OD so it accepts the existing hose, it should be a snap to change. Before you shoot the pump, check the float switch. It may be intermittently engaging causing the acting up.
Yea, keeping it original is best, ipgrades take a back seat to already well engineered items heh.

I have been gathering and organizing all the paperwork for this, including a cool pdf of all the 2004 models and corresponding part numers.

Trying to make sure I have all the tools needed to learn as much about this boat as possible before it gets here...heh.

Downloaded every issue of the docksides and other publication lol for something to do.

Also sent another email to the Texas GW club people in the hopes of learning more first hand experience and guidance...and hoping to get to some activities they schedule.

Anyway, having fun planning, but things like pumps need to be checked vs just buying. Pumps are not that expensive but no need to waste money for a non issue heh.

Russ, please be prepared to find a mechanically competent five year old to crawl down there to swap out that pump.

Unless it was changed significantly from 2002 to 2004, it is almost inaccessible.

I certainly hope I am wrong, but....
I replaced my old Attwood 1250 with a new Rule 2000 Gold series, same size outlet. Also installed new float switch.
Lol, sounds like I will be bilge diving like in the old Navy days heh. I totally expect it, thanks;)

I plan to document all the progress, just for fun.

I shall mount a gopro to Indiana Bones, my Chorky lol

And filter out all.....most...the curse words heh
Wow....what a day. So, just adding, in research... today was slow, so I was reading everything I could. I noticed that I was reading years worth of posts from @ocnslr and @family affair on THT.. lol

Contracry to popular belief, I am actually doing as much research as I can on all sorts of schtuph, by looking up posts by other owners so I can learn from their past posts.. heh... leads me across the world on sites.. but catching as much info as I can and... having a ton of fun... heh

Anyway, not so much on this topic as it seemed like a good post to mention it in.

So, thanks to you all, even for all the old posts from before way back when heh.

Now, off to TPWD to register all the titles! ;)

Russ, I'm a plankowner on here.

"The sea is selective, slow at recognition of effort and aptitude but fast in the sinking of the unfit."
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Well, ok.. heh.. but us Navy guys (I think you are probably one.. heh) don't really call people who start a forum a Plankowner.. lol.. but, I get what ya mean :p

I am spending my recovery time researching, learning, planning...and come across a lot of you guys on different sites. I may ask the same questions in different locations, but trying to learn from more than one perspective.

Still, very nice to know you guys are on the same sites as me.. heh

Disappointing that not many Texas GW owners show up. I'd love to get some training on the boat, but.. as I have in the past.. will just take it easy... inch my way out.. and hopefully meet some locals around here eventually.

Kicking myself right now.... was not planning to get a boat again... deleted an old drive.. had a LOT of gps spots on it.. lol.. so going through a ton of stuff to locate a backup :P

These boats should have 2 pumps aft with one switch higher than the other. It's sad they don't come that way. Rule was always the best until they outsourced. I really don't have a go to right now. Hoping a new company steps up.