Bimini Top Options for 268 Islander


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2018
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Westbrook CT
Looking for input from the Grady faithfull as this is my first Grady White

Have a 268 Islander with Bimini top, specifically bought this one because I have a bridge to go under so no hartop for me.

The top that is on it currently looks to be from the factory and the bows are undersized and bent and the canvas top is ripped in a few places, no enclosure but owner said it had one at one tim, all from Grady.

I know I can have custom made and may go down that rout eventually as I'm currently havein a Helm cover made but...

What is available that is out there? anyone have good luck with any of the online companies?

I found one the specializes in stock stuff but frankly the pics on their website look hideous. (RNR Marine) [U]Hard-T-Top[/U] canvas: Navy

What are some good options for readily avialable frames, tops and enclosure for this model? If any..?

Below is what she looks like currently with an old helm cover from another boat.

I think you are into a custom fit top if you want something else. Call a local t-top / pipe welder and get a quote.
Can’t do a welded top, have a bridge to go under on the way out.......
We bought our 2002 Islander 270 new, and it had the "Vista" top. I just looked at old photos, and that is definitely the original SS frame. Not sure if that is the original fabric or not. If there was an enclosure, you will have zippers all around the inside of the top, as the enclosure fully zipped at the top and had snaps below that.


We had a custom hard top fabricated and installed six months after buying the boat.

If you were around me, you could have my 270 bimini top with the enclosure. I removed it and am adding a hard top.

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Where am I shipping to?

Duh, it

Let me get home and take pictures and see if you still want it. I also am waiting to see if I am lucky enough the enclosure fits the new hard top...heh. Doubt it will, but the top will be here in a few weeks, so worth trying. I will take pictures of all of it tonight. If you like it, will see what it takes to ship. If the enclosure does not fit the hard top, will be yours too. Do not think it has ever been used.
Here is the top. The enclosure is in the boat but I did not climb in there heh. The parts to connect it are also in the boat.

Like stated, as soon as the top is in and on, I will test the enclosure. That should be middle of July. If the enclosure does not fit, all yours for the cost of shipping and more posts here with pictures of you enjoying the boat;)

If it fits, doubt it will, then the bimini is yours at least.



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To me, what Russ is offering is a great deal. I'd pay shipping as well for a factory bimini, and with luck, the enclosure. When Russ's new top arrives it very well could have some shipping materials it comes in that would work to ship the bimini out.
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Oh, just thought.. theoretically, you already have the mounting hardware. This could just "plug" right into that. Cool.

I also am waiting to see if I am lucky enough the enclosure fits the new hard top...heh. Doubt it will, but the top will be here in a few weeks, so worth trying.

Not going to happen, shipmate. Current enclosure zips to bimini, whereas the enclosure for a HT slides into channels on the HT frame. I assume the HT fabricator is putting those in place, for future use.. Size of sections will be different.
I am betting so, just wanted to wait to see.

Thanks Russ for the incredible offer.

Take your time and figure out what you need and let me know.

Great forum!!
A little addition to the Bimini today.

2 boat hooks and an eBay sun shade.

Makes hanging out at party cove comfortable.


Okay, IM me your full address. I will check out the cost of shipping it all, bimini top as well as the enclosure.

Hey, nice trick and beautiful boat.

What is wrong with the bimini you have there? Looks solid. smarter guys can correct me if I am wrong, but this should "plug" right into the hardware that is mounted. If you do not need the hardware that is screwed into the cockpit, no need to pay for the shipping of the extra weight. Welcome to it, I'll just throw it away if I keep it here, but the weight will add cost.

Thanks Russ. I’ll send my address.

The Bimini there now works but is ripped on the top, no enclosure and the bows are bent up bad. I straightened everything best I could but yeah. The canvas would help if shipping the metal is too much.

Very generous. Thank again, very much.
Oh, I can ship it all, you pay shipping lol. I meant the parts the frame connect to that bolt to the fiberglass. Those are disconnected and you are only replacing the bimini frame and canvas. Those parts on the fiberglass are heavy and not needed. Up to you.

Will ship Saturday via UPS.

Will check what it costs and you can paypal me the shipping costs.

Do you have a picture of how the frame connects?

Mine is a very small fitting.