Boat update


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
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So, have been busy. The boat comes home from the fiberglass place tomorrow. I'll take pictures of the work they did and upload those.

Spoke with WMW Marine. They are scheduled to build the top "week after next", so I assume the first week of June. Should be done in a few days of the start, but then shipment etc.. so, probably safe to say the top should be here around the 2nd or 3rd week of June.. worst case, 4th week....i.e. boat will not be ready for the July 4th weekend :(

Oh well.. did not want my first trip out with her to be during a crazy weekend like that anyway.

So, that gives me time to clean her up....install all the new decals, wash/wax....I think I will also install the new stereo and see if I can replace some of the hatch gaskets that are falling out.

I also need to check all the pumps and, since I have plenty of time now, drop the lower ends and check both engines out.

Picked her up. Just for a comparison, I am adding a couple before along with the after photos. While some will say $4500 was a waste of money, in my opinion, it brought the boat back to brand new condition in the areas of the repairs, which is a heck of a lot better foundation for a 300lb brand new hardtop.

I have plans to take the entire dash area (well.. the large area that used to be/is currently where a door was) and find a fiberglass custom person to turn it into a single, solid fiberglass dash that blends and matches the current boat. THEN, I will have enough room to add a dual 10" chartplotter setup. That will need to wait till late this year or next year. For now, she is ready for the new top which should be arriving in June. This weekend... new decals ;)


So, not a lot of progress lately. I have been working on other chores around the house heh. Trying to get the workbenches in my barn set so I can organize it into my fishing work area :P

It is one of those things where you go to get a tool... it is still in a box, somewhere, and you rip ALL the "organizing" you did earlier apart looking for it. So, my goal has been.. get it ALL organized, so I can find stuff, before the top gets here and that way I can focus on that.

On the boat... cleaning the decals is not a fast process.. lol. I was wearing out the rubber wheel I bought, so got 2 more. Going to run some Cat7 cables in my attic this morning, then get back to cleaning the decals before it gets hot... then back to the barn. The decals are not a "must" right now as the boat will run just fine without decals.. but, gotta hit that when it is cool.

Also, plan to run water through the boat to check all the pumps today..... see how they work.

My Seloc manual came in, also got the electronic reader for the yamaha engines, and Jerry was kind enough to send me Yamaha's manual for this engine (Thank you very much!)... so, plenty of good resources to be able to maintain these engines now.

I know the feeling. When I brought mine home from Florida, I pretty much gutted it so I could start fresh. I had fiberglass and motor work to get done before I could put it back together. Seem to take forever to get it back together. I did have a date I was working toward for my first official fishing trip with my buddies, so that was a motivator for me.

Lord help me, I would not have bought her if I had THAT much work.. lol

It is rough, but the motivation is to get her ready before I splash hoping the top ships this coming week.

Looks worse than it was. Gutted to give her a thorough freshwater bath, inside and out. She had lived her whole life on saltwater. I'm a OCD guy when it comes to trying to keep things clean. My level of clean is far different than most. I still use her for what she is intended, to fish, but I pride myself in taking care of my stuff and at least start out clean. After a week of catfishing with the guys, she's rough. I use the wash down to keep most of the crud down, especially the floor, catfish slime and fiberglass gets slick.
Anyone like boat top frames?;)

Just waiting on the fiberglass ;)



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