"C-Time" Deep-Dropping on 8/24


GreatGrady Captain
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Fort Myers Beach, FL
"C-Time" left Little Creek Inlet about 0415 on Sunday, August 24th. Joining Cathy and I were Mike Avery (Fishdad), Wes Blow, and a rookie colleague from work, Rick Overbaugh. We knew the ride out would be snotty, and it was. Just before 8am we had lines in at our tile spot on the north side of the Norfolk Canyon.

The tile fishing was great. A nice class of fish, with one 11-12 citation for Wes and a lot of fish just under ten pounds. We had a limit of 35 in just under three hours.

Here's Cathy with a nice BLT:

Rick hauled in his limit of BLTs, including this nice double:

After finishing with BLTs, we moved a short distance to some deeper water to try for grouper. Unfortunately, each of us hooked up once, and each time we brought up a wreckfish. Should be good eating, but we'd rather have the grouper..


Visited some buoys on the south side of the canyon before heading home. Most were long-line, but we finally found one pot buoy and managed a few bailers.

The weather had improved all day. We had light winds and long rolling swells for the ride home. Back at Little Creek in under three hours - including looking for the Brown Suiter at a few buoys on the way in.

Here's Cathy for most of the ride back:

And this is looking east while heading west at 30knots on autopilot:

We stopped at Taylor's Landing to fuel (114gal) and clean fish. Here's the catch, not including the mahi:

Total for the day:
- 35 BLT
- 5 BSB
- 5 wreckfish
- 6 bailers

Would like to thank my entire crew for a great day on the water. In particular would like to thank Mike and Wes for their great welcome for Rick, on his first trip to the blue water - as well as his first BLTs and wreckfish.

And thanks to the Admiral for putting up with me.

Nice Catch and super pics Brian. If I had 2 engines I'd make the run to the canyon.

Now that the vette project is over i hope to be getting out a little more for some fall fishing :D . It is about time for the flounder migration to start and already got a couple of trips planned to the Cape Charle's wrecks to try my luck.

Take care


How far is the ride to the edge (up here its almost 100 miles)?

Where do you put the bean bag chairs when fishing?
Grog said:

How far is the ride to the edge (up here its almost 100 miles)?

Where do you put the bean bag chairs when fishing?

I have ten minutes in the "no wake" zone from my slip to the base of Little Creek Inlet. Short (easy) run out the inlet, then 74nm to the spot where we started with the tilefish. It's on the north side of the Norfolk Canyon, a few miles from the tip.

We used to put the beanbags down below, but now we take them forward and push them down into the walkaround area. Had all three up there on this trip, including running between drifts, and for several miles between fishing areas. When we're done fishing and the cockpit is all cleaned up, and all the gear stowed for the run home, then we make that last head call, and bring the beanbags back aft. The only way to travel... :D