Can't Post Pics

Capt Tom

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
Miss Gulf Coast
Freedom 205
The last few times I have tried to upload a picture from my camera it will not allow me. Like the file is too large, not doing anything different from when I was able to. Any ideas?
The last few times I have tried to upload a picture from my camera it will not allow me. Like the file is too large, not doing anything different from when I was able to. Any ideas?
Same thing has been happening to me. Never had a problem before but now it says file to large.
What you gotta do is select two pictures then top right corner u select size and then click it to large. Then unselect the second pic or keep it but you need two pics selected for the resize option to come up
The last few times I have tried to upload a picture from my camera it will not allow me. Like the file is too large, not doing anything different from when I was able to. Any ideas?

If its a Windows machine open the photo with Microsoft photo- then on the right side click on the three dots that will open a menu- Choose "resize"
I recommend copying the picture from the phone to the PC first.

Good luck

So is there not a way to upload with a Android smartphone any longer? Use to be able to but not anymore. I tried multiple ways but no luck.
iPhone is giving fits with the .HEIC file type (its all a conspiracy to make you pay for huge amounts of iCloud storage).

From a MAC in Finder you can make a FILE, "Quick Action" to "Convert to JPEG" (and resize and save in Pictures). That makes it easy if you need to do it alot.

I convert them to jpeg and upload them to and then copy the BBCode and paste here
New phones take pics that are both amazing and large files.
I usually have to crop every pic I post.
Original pics seem to download easier than screenshots. A screenshot must be a larger file.