Canyon 306 Refueling problem

do new four stroke yammies still use the old inline fuel flow sensor or does that come from the ECM now?
Nope, the fuel flow data comes from ECM, that makes it precise, much more than the old impeller type sensors.

For the all you are spot on!

Yes % is from sender and it moves with the boat movement as fuel flows back or forward in tank. Not accurate for sure.
Fuel flow is through some sensor and the theory is that the flow is used to calculate the burn over time until reset.
The risk of fuel theft is low in my normal situation, kept in locked Hurricane proof "barn" at Marina. But anytime away from home that is always a risk to be aware of and then a level sensor will let you know something, but can you rely on it?????
That's it about fuel gauges for now..
Not to beat this to death but my 1997 Islander was re-powered in 2006 with F150's. The old fuel flow sensors to the fuel management gauge were disconnected at some point and the fuel management gauge is only used for a 8-bar fuel gauge on a switch for main/aux to sending units. There is NO Yamaha engine computer.

When I first got the boat I had eratic readings on the fuel gages. Got stuck on the water and had to call BoatUS. After that I replaced sending units and got them under control. The 8-bar Yamaha fuel gauge is good to have. Unlike a car you can't run the tanks down too far. If you are in the blinking last 8th you are in trouble. If you can keep the bow up you will get the max out out the tank. Otherwise fuel will run to the front of the tanks and flame you out. This fuel information is analog but extremely useful in determining how much fuel is on board.

My F150's are interfaced to the NMEA2000 bus and my Garnin 8612xsv unit. I get fuel burn info directly from the engines. I have found that fuel burn is "low" in that it says I burn more than I do (that's OK). I have used Garmin "virtual" fuel tank but found it to too "low" (extra fuel in tank).

Since I don't have Yamaha computers to deal with fuel I have to go with my Garmin data. Overall it's good and useful but I would recommend having working/accurate fuel gauge information. When you are within 10% of empty the boat pitch is important. Running in you can get away with it. But slow down inside and bow down because of loading you can easily flame out (I have done it at the fuel dock).
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do new four stroke yammies still use the old inline fuel flow sensor or does that come from the ECM now?

Fuel level and Fuel flow (burn) are two entirely different things. Separate your thought process.

I would clear out calibrations and check the setup for sensor type and tank size and shape.

55% is "fuel level" if that is using the tank level sensor. That would equate to 4 or 5 bars on an old digital gauge or 5/8 ths on an old analog gauge.
If you think the tank is actully full, the US sensor would measure approx 30 ohms. A euro sensor would measure approx 180 ohms.
What type sensor is programmed in your CL5?

  • For the standard American version sender (240-30 ohms), you will have between 232 to 252 ohms @ empty, and 28 to 36 ohms @ full.
  • For the standard European version sender (0-180 ohms), you will have between 0 to 2 ohms @ empty, and 171 to 192 ohms @ full. (NOTICE that it works opposite than US)
242-32= 210 swing 180(full euro)/210= .86 BUT US is inverse (highrer ohms =lower level) , so so you would expect to read approx 14% if the tank was full and the unit was set to US but had a euro sensor. That could be changed by the calibration being wrong and the tank shape being wrong.

Euro has a 180 ohm swing . 32 (full US) /180 =.18 If you have a full tank and a US sensor with type set to Euro, you would expect to read approx 18%

On my Zukes, Fuel burn comes from the ECM of each motor and you can see TOTAL fuel burn (combination of both motors) on the gauges and on MFDs thru NMEA 2K.
The Zuke gauge calculates gallons used after last RESET of Trip on the gauge.
Garmin MFD can count down "gallons" and show you "remaining gallons" if you tell it tank capacities and how much fuel you put in. This requires you to RESET Trip on the GARMIN.
In both of these cases, it is using fuel burn to calculate gallons used. The fuel level is entirely separate from this.

If you don't reset trip on both, you will be all screwed up.
Thanks. All sorted. The incorrect sensor was selected when Yamaha replaced the CL5. Once I selected the USA the gauge was correct. I pulled the sensor out and did the single point calibration and now the indicator is showing the correct amount.