Chesapeake Bay Stripers


GreatGrady Captain
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Crisfield, MD
For you guys like me NOT lucky enough to live on the bay, a quick run-down. They are moving out of the very shallow water, and schooling up. Only caught 4 on crabs on Sat in the shallows, and we sat there right up until an hour after dead high tide. Sunday, we were given orders by the locals to go out to a deeper location, and troll in the Tangier Sound with bucktails. Once we got to the desired location, didn't need to troll - the birds were marking the location for us. Seems the stripers were right on the surface reeking havoc on bait fish. The Calcutta Flash Foils in green, and the ones with the black back that look like baby shad did the trick. We stayed with lures no larger than 4 1/2". Not a whole lot of size, but it beats watching the Eagles. You just know they're going to choke in the playoffs.