For those with an old boat and low budget...I did this project on my old V20 Steplift. Its not "professional" but its better than nothing..or old ripped crap.
(take a little time and figure out doing the corners better)
I bought vinyl and foam from x54" $33 and 2"x24"x59" Eva-Dry foam $33.
Enough vinyl to do the job twice plus some..
Loctite spray adhesive
and Monel staples(West Marine $27 ouch!) (USE MONEL not Stainless steel!!!!)
brass grommets for drainage/airflow. bought at West Marine $19 kit then saw them at Lowes for $8.... MAKE SURE THEY ARE BRASS not brass colored steel.
covering the 3/4" x 5 1/2" PVC fascia board from Lowes/HD.... added 3 mounting bolts before starting the job.