Cockpit sole hatch


GreatGrady Captain
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
Searching out a little more storage space on my 208 and questioning if anyone has installed a hatch between the fuel tank bulkhead and the cabin bulkhead? There is quite bit of room there (24" x 14") from my rough measurements. It is just forward of the seats and starts about 10 inches from the 6 inch fuel tank inspection cover up to the cabin door (bulkhead). Appreciate any thoughts. Anyway a consideration, thought I would ask before cutting any holes.... ouch!
I believe the space I am considering is the same on the 228.......anybody??
Go for it! It's just a hole in a floor. A hole is a hole is a hole. Seal the floor core and don't cut a square corner (use at least a 1/2" drill bit for the corners). Make sure to get a hatch that can be walked on. Check out TH Marine's website - they're not "high end", but they're good quality without breaking the bank. IF you feel the need after cutting (too much flex in the floor), you can add one or two glass angles under the floor and those will make it rock solid. The hatch, itself, though, will add integrity.
Thanks Dennis, I have cut a few holes in this lovely lady but not in her very sole. In search for suitable hatch here on the Island but maybe will need look further afield. Have yet to zero in on the final dimensions. Found using a deep penetrating stud censor showed the bulkheads and stringers, but it gets a little confused at the sole edge. Appreciate the tutorial and will share the results.
I received a very quick response from Carolyn at Grady White to my question regarding layout of stringers and bulkheads, for my proposed hole in the sole. Came back with a drawing and the dimensions. Got to love their customer relations!!!!