Seafarer 228-G helm compass liquid seems to be evaporating - causing dial to go all over the place - can it be topped off?
:wink: that's the "spirits"Keepin' it said:Seafarer 228-G helm compass liquid seems to be evaporating - causing dial to go all over the place - can it be topped off?
They now use a fluid called Isopar L® which they say has similar properties and some added benefits over mineral spirits. Exxon Mobil has the trademark on Isopar L®. They say it can be mixed together with the mineral spirits and recommend if you have a flat top compass to test the fluid to see if it's mineral spirits or isopropyl alcohol.wizard said:Mineral Spirits!
pulled compass out on sunday before the rain and sure enough the bottom was damp. Located the fill screw, and will need to reseal before filling - how much is 1/2 price for the qt of fluid? :wink:striped bass said:Keepin' it, Reel!
I have a newly purchased quart of Ritchie Compass Fluid. I will send to you for half price if you are interested. The fluid can be entered through the side of the compass. You just need to unscrew the compass from the console and lift out to add more fluid.