Completed trip through North Channel, Canada

Put the boat on the trailer in West Palm Beach, FL for its 1600-mile haul to Mackinaw City, MI.

Hope to a loop around the North Channel, weather and discs permitting.

Put boat in at Straights State Harbor in Mackinaw City.
Early Morning run to DeTour Harbor at the entrance to the North Channel.
Mackinac Island in the distance, then a look at Mackinaw Bridge.
Then passing Mackinac Island channel marker.
Then keeping clear of Martins Reef.
Didn’t know they had two suns up here, but makes for a pretty sunrise.
Lastly, rounding marker into DeTour passage and the tied up in DeTour State Harbor.
Don’t know if site and or marina WiFi will let me upload all these pics!



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Hopefully, will head to Bruce Mines, Canada early in the morning. Right now I’ve got to go look at the AC. Stopped putting out much air about an hour after turning it on last light. What little air it puts out is cool. And cooling water flow remains strong. Not looking forward to getting my head in there.
That's a long way to tow a boat! Hope you have a great time on Lake Michigan. I have a friend whose family has a house in Charlevoix, and the lake and dunes in that area are so beautiful. Never made it to Mackniaw Island, but here its nice. Good way to see it from your boat.

Do you need AC up there? I'm surprised it doesn't naturally cool down at night.
WiFi is slow here, so may have to limit to a few pics at a time.

View of some Canadian islands from DeTour marina.


Crawled in to get a look at AC. Cabin temp was 89 when I was ready for bed at 9 pm, when it’s still full light. My alarm is set for 4:30 am. (Make coffee, brush teeth, set all I'll need within arm’s reach, etc.)

Intake filter was soaked. Intake ‘grill’ full of cold condensate. Coils clean, but some iced over.

Called Mermaid Marine, now Freedom Manufacturing(?) and left voice mail on a Sunday evening.

I dried off unit best I could. Made sure all ductwork was secure. Importantly, I think, I washed and dried intake filter and did not put intake vent back over it. Unit sits tight enough against bulkhead that little or no air gets in from anywhere but cabin.

Anyway, after that it was its old self again and ran, on and off per thermostat, all night.

Next day, Mermaid calls while I’m running boat with one bar of ATT. So he texts me instead. His theory, relative heat wave up here combined with cold intake water will do it quite frequently. Or a dirty air filter will do it. Even not enough air outlets will do it. Anything that reduces air flow. My two 4” outlets are minimum, he recommends more.

if the former (hot air, cold water) is persistent, run it on fan only for 10-15 minutes. Should clear it up.
Early morning start from DeTour, MI to Bruce Mines, Ont. CA. Take most advantage of calm water.

Approaching a series of islands.IMG_8192.jpeg

Around sunrise I crossed the border. Since I had 5 bars on my phone, I called Customs. They politely thanked me for letting them know and said to call them back when I get somewhere.
So I put up my courtesy flag.
I chose a route that winds through islands rather than open water. Saw lots of Canada geese (surprise), sandhill cranes and osprey.

GPS says there is a channel through the islands. I don’t see any channel or channel markers. Oh, once you get lined up the channel opens up.

And once through that channel, start looking for the next one. They’re all deep, some are fairly narrow and they’re all solid rock.

But it’s a beautiful boat ride


The last 9 miles is mostly open water with small, scattered islands.

I didn’t see a single other boat on my trip here.

I called customs with one bar on my phone. We both had to repeat almost everything. But she was as nice as could be and in 5 minutes I had my clearance number.

And then I was in the very basic Bruce Mines Marina. First, dock master couldn’t have been a nicer guy. He put me in a long slip in front of a sailboat. “But he’s out of town, so he’s not going anywhere for a few days.”

He offered me a 30 amp extender since no way would my cable have reached. But there is a little mom and pop hotel adjacent that I couldn’t pass up.

Fuel pumps aren’t working. But there was someone working on them today.

Bathrooms are at the city park at the end of the road. Within sight, but you better not have to go real badly.

Still, I prefer to get off the beaten path whenever I can. It’s a small town with a very real small town feel to it.

Today is give my discs a rest day and walk around the town. Unfortunately, there is a small craft advisory (a cold front in July!) for tomorrow. So my rest day got a bit longer.

Went to get stuff from boat and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police pulled in. They asked me where in FL I’m from (having seen my vessel registration number).

Satisfied with my answer we talked about the severe weather forecast for tomorrow, including T-storms all morning.
Early Morning run to DeTour Harbor at the entrance to the North Channel.
Mackinac Island in the distance, then a look at Mackinaw Bridge.
Then passing Mackinac Island channel marker.
Then keeping clear of Martins Reef.
Didn’t know they had two suns up here, but makes for a pretty sunrise.
Lastly, rounding marker into DeTour passage and the tied up in DeTour State Harbor.
Don’t know if site and or marina WiFi will let me upload all these pics!

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Great pictures!
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Been a while since I’ve had working WiFi. So I’ll do a bit of catching up.
Went from Bruce Mines to Blind River. First half was winding through some beautiful islands, second half was open water.

A cold (to me) front had come through that I was not prepared for. A few days ago in DeTour, it got up to 80°.

love running through the islands. They’re beautiful, lots of birds and usually knock down the seas. Sometimes the deepest water is scarily close to the islands. And still you keep an eye out for those scattered rocks.
Still on the way to Blind River…

Once past the islands, it got a bit bumpy. I run at first light as that seems to be the calmest seas.

I run at my most efficient speed for the day, if I can. Fuel is expensive in Canada!

Didn’t know Canada had two suns? At least it was a following sea this morning.
Staff at Blind River Marina were especially great. Dock hand put my lines into a one-pull knot. Best float docks I’ve ever encountered.

Journey in Blind River Marina.

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All marinas say they have WiFi. Problem is, it doesn’t reach the boats!

Blind River to Spanish. Took the South Passage after talking with dockmaster. Most scenic (i.e., most islands and rocks) and most protection from west wind.

Unlike FL, cold fronts stay around for awhile up here. I’ve learned how to dress better. Even buffs and sun gloves help. I head out at first light to get the calmest seas

Islands up ahead. I love winding through islands

Sometimes the deepest water takes you a bit close to these solid rock islands. And you know every outcrop around you is rock too. For this pic, I was in 70’ of water.
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Continuing to Spanish.

Approaching the west facing side of Round Island. So called because you have to decide how you’re going around it. The South Passage takes us around the south side.

Looking back at the east face of Round Island. Again, I was in about 70’ of water as I rounded the island

The entrance to the about 20 miles of the gorgeous Whalesback Channel.

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Whalesback Channel has to be my favorite of cruising grounds. Beautiful, mostly protected and with so many side bays that I didn’t have time to explore. But fishermen told me fishing is great there.

following pics are of Whalesback Channel. My one pic of Spanish Muni Marina was too large to upload?

All Canadian marinas had bear proof garbage cans. But Spanish in particular said they had a small, maybe two-yr-old bear that frequented the marina at night. Just yell at him and he’ll run away.

Well, I was up extra early the next morning, 3 am, strolling the marina. No bear.

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Unfortunately, between weather days and ‘rest my neck’ days, I’m running low on time. I’m not going to make it to Little Current and Killarney.

Worse, with the long range forecast of NW winds, I’m not going to be able to follow the southern shore of the North Channel back.

So I’ll backtrack and if an opportunity arises to cross to the south, I’ll take it.

Oh, and my starboard engine has been giving me a code 72 - cam position sensor. It comes on sooner every day.

Now, I hold down Mode button while Check Engine message is flashing, and it won’t even go into ‘code’ mode.

Blind River is a Yamaha dealer. They said it would take them 3 weeks to get the three sensors in. There are none in the Canada warehouse right now. He even called other, closer dealers.

His tech said if your engine has been running fine with this code for days, then I wouldn’t worry about it. Enjoy your trip.

So I called me Grady dealer most trusted tech. She (yup, she) said the same. She only added, if ever that engine starts running rough, shut it down immediately so you don’t do any damage.

With that back drop, we continue on.
beautiful land/sea scape. the rock islands re really nice.
Spanish to Blind River.

I would have thought backtracking would be less impressive. Not so. Just about everything looks new to me coming from the opposite direction. Only difference is I have a bit more confidence navigating some of the marina channels!

Heading west in Whalesback Channel. Nice to have the sun at my back for a change.

Enjoying my instant coffee and pre-packaged cereal under a full moon after a ‘bear walk’.

Heading west through the 20 miles of Whalesback Channel


One of the many bays off the main channel

Only time I had to take it off auto pilot was this channel marker. It seemed determined to get right up to it. Garmin had said there might be several hours of recalibration due to differences in compass deviation. But it was spot on from day one. Except for this rock!
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Continuing from Spanish to Blind River.

Back around Round Island…

Eerily close to an outcrop full of cormorants (pic zoomed in to show blurry corm

Tied up at the great floating docks (every stop in Canada had floating docks) at Blind River City Marina.