Compression Tester


GreatGrady Captain
Jun 16, 2015
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
How much are people paying for compression testers? Not too worried at absolute accuracy more repeatability. Difference between cylinders.
You can buy them from about $20 for personal use, a good commercial one would be over $100. A cheap one will do what you want to use it occasionally.
There are cheap compression testers that just have a tapered rubber tip that you hold in position. They are not advised for your application. Get one with various thread adapters so that it can be screwed in. Some models hold the peak measurement and release the pressure using a button. They are better for one person.
You should also get a remote starter button. Cheap is OK. It has clamps on its leads that you attach to the battery lead and the starter solenoid terminal to enable you to press a button to engage the starter. Do not test with the ignition on.
I against my better judgement do buy some Harbor Freight tools for jobs that I won't be doing many times. They are OK not professional though.
My rule in the past was to only buy good tools that would last a lifetime. Now at my age, that operational period has gotten shorter:)
I agree with Seasick, buy tools that last. You can also borrow tools from some local auto stores. My dad was a mechanic and all he would buy was Snap On.
All that said, I got a Harbor Freight model for the convenience of having one handy and it has been consistent for the 10-15 times I used it on an older Johnson motor and an older Yamaha. My new yamaha gets serviced at the dealer....