Considering upgrading to a 30 Marlin from a 265 Express


Active Member
Oct 5, 2020
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Express 265
Hi Folks - I currently have a 2000 265 Express that I've brought up to current standards i.e. new stuff all around, including electronics over the last 2 years. But I'm trying to consider a boat that's better for my family to be able to overnight on or even just be able to cruise with an AC running during the blaring hot Florida summers. I recently came across a 2008 30 Marlin that seems to fit the bill but noticed that the Marlin has a shallower deadrise at the transom than my 265. Does anyone have any experience with running both hulls? I'd love to hear some feedback.

Thanks in Advance!
I thought the Marlin had a 19.5 deadrise compared to a 19 on the 265.
Either way, I think you’ll find the Marlin to be a better ride and more stable on the hook.
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They changed the dead rise to 19 in 2002 or 2003. When I get on plane if anybody moves around, I have to work the trim tabs to level her out. It's not horrendous and I'd rather not have folks moving around when I'm on plane anyway just one of those idiosyncrasies that I noticed. On the nicer side, when the waves pick up I just go faster and the boat stays on top of the waves; but I do end up burning a TON of gas when I have to do that.

Thanks for the feedback.
I am in the same “boat”, thinking about moving from my 265 to a Marlin or 305 express. I have an 01 so same deadrise as yours. Totally agree about the ride.
Consider the 330 if you are looking to overnight and cruise with family. The helm offers much better accommodations as does the cabin. Otherwise, the Marlin will give you the same ride and fishability as well as performance.
5 years ago I upgraded from a 265 to a 305 express. I looked at both the Marlin and the express, but ended up finding a great deal on a local 305 express that I couldn't pass up. I would have been happy with either boat, and started looking at marlins first. I think the 2 boats(Marlin v. Express) are very similar in ride quality, they just have a different layout. Like you I was looking for something larger. We will overnight on the boat several times over the summer both with my wife and on fishing trips with the boys. The larger cabin with the 2 bunks and A/C make it so much nicer to sleep in then the cramped 265. The A/C is so nice to just cool off in when working on the boat in the heat of the summer. As far as ride goes there is no replacement for displacement. Where I had to slow down with the 265 I don't have to with the 305. When it does launch and land, the landing is much softer then then the 265. With twin 300's I can cruise through most seas at 30 kts. The hull is definitely less sensitive to the side to side movement of the 265. You will still need to use the tabs a little for side to side movement, but not nearly as much with the 265. I would not get caught up in dead rise here. The is no question the 30ft hull will ride better then the 265. In my opinion is was a great upgrade and I haven't looked back.
i have a 282 Sailfish and have always liked the ride in most conditions. A friend recently purchased a Marlin and I had a chance to go for a cruise last weekend - There is a big difference between the SF and Marlin. Overall the Marlin is a much heavier boat and the wider beam adds to stability. For now I am sticking with my SF but sho knows what the future will bring.
All of the above is excellent advice. I went from a 265 to a 330 and am super happy. The Marlin, the 305 are excellent choices. The 330 is a beast and does what they do a little better. It just comes down to finding the right boat I guess. One piece of advice - I'd stay clear of the Yamaha 350's due to it's reputation.
I upgraded from a 30 Marlin to 330 Express. I loved the Marlin's walk around layout for fishing but did not like the cramped comfort level for overnighters and helm seating limitations when taking three or more people fishing. I thought the ride of the Marlin was outstanding, but the size and heft of the 330 gives it an advantage in both ride and comfort.
One piece of advice - I'd stay clear of the Yamaha 350's due to it's reputation.

You’ll hear a lot of this and it’s somewhat justified. However, there are plenty of us super happy with the 350’s. The flywheel issue is so not a big deal. My mechanic comes to my slip once a year to replace them under warranty.

The torque and power of the 350s is rad. Especially on the bigger hulls. Our Marlin is awesome with them. Likes the gas though!!
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I’m friends with drbatts and was thinking of our “same” experience while reading the post. I had a 265 express as well (loved it) and moved up to a Marlin two seasons ago. My thoughts are in line with his, my only gripe is I wish there was a little more fishbox space. It’s a nice upgrade.

Looked at the 33 too, and while a gorgeous boat it just didn’t feel right for me.
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Marlin works for 2 sleeping. The mid berth is an excellent storage space but not the best for adult sleeping. Great ride. Solid range and nice fish ability.