Marinas can be very prickly on what owners are allowed to do while the boat is there, especially high level fully equipped marinas. For off season storage, some owners take their boats elsewhere (i.e seasonal parking lot owners or vacant property owners adjacent to waterways doing the offering).
Includes hauling and blocking and then can do whatever they want or don't want, the sanding and painting stuff may get hairy with the environment regs. No services are offered. People along canals hire the barge cranes to hoist up onto their docks.
I recall some guys asking $500 to store any boat,some time ago.
The marina owners wised up to this, depending on the economic times: started adding a surcharge on summer renters if they didn't keep the boat there in winter (surchareg was 1/2 teh price of teh storage fee!), then later only offering full year contracts. When times are bad, they didn't charge any surcharge.
This is the only right thing to do for trailerable boats since people like me would get screwed, who actually haul their boats home for winter storage- not to another provider who is competing. If I had a 45 ft Viking, then surcharge is right thing to do since boat is likely going to cheap low baller.
They also charged overtime summer storage if you didn't stay for winter, fisherman like me were getting screwed for November. even though they knew we were coming back in the spring with deposits down. I was at a marina for many years that went from being broke, many empty slips, no deposit for next season, to going worse to Chapt 11, then going to new docks, new slips, swimming pool, etc., waiting list, and the way the two brother owners treated us was just as extreme. Now it looks like they will be sucking wind and have to be nice now to people. Too bad.
Even with the boat hauling service I hire to get it home and back, the savings for DIYers with older boats especially, can be massive (even though it just ends up in the gas tank anyway!).
I can hire a mobile shrink wrapper to come to my driveway at a considerable discount over marina charge (what esle is new?).