You all might have seen my 2 other posts about my holding tank and head. Every time I think I have it fixed, I find out I don't. I finally pulled the floor up. I pulled the tank sensor out and the tank was 100% full despite pumping it out a week ago! Yamaha's make oil, my holding tank makes black water. Awesome.
My only thought was that somehow the suction tube broke or rotted off and pump outs were only pulling water off the top. I decided to pull the pump out hose off and found this:

Grady rigged the damn tank wrong from the factory! 19 years and no one knew.

Ive never been so excited to have my holding tank pumped out!
My only thought was that somehow the suction tube broke or rotted off and pump outs were only pulling water off the top. I decided to pull the pump out hose off and found this:

Grady rigged the damn tank wrong from the factory! 19 years and no one knew.

Ive never been so excited to have my holding tank pumped out!