Deck access plates

At the risk of offending someones' sensitivity, or sensibility, I will re-post my solution, which is well into its second year by now, date on the photo is Feb., '21.

When I bought my 2000 Seafarer a couple years ago, the pop out pie plates would fall out from wind, water hose, or just choppy water. It must have been an ongoing problem, because the previous owner had left several packs of new ones in the drawer under the seat. Replacing them did nothing to improve their hold.
I removed the O-rings, put a number 64 rubber band flat in the groove as a spacer, and put the O-ring back on top of it. It gave the plate a very snug fit, that you had to press in firmly in order to seat it. I have not had one pop out since.


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Change em all with the screw in plates from beckson marine. They are on Amazon or you can order direct. The pop out ones are not suited for the euro transom area either. If one poped out there you could have big issues especially in rough seas.
I believe they are worn and leak water into the bilge.
The plates can leak in several different ways. Obviously if the o-ring is shot , that can cause leakage but they can also leak if the mounting ring is not well sealed to the deck.
I would question if leaky plates are responsible for a lot of bilge water. Remember that the fuel tank coffins are often sealed from the main bilge to prevent a leaky tank from leaking gas into the bilge.
There are lots of ways that water can get into the bilge.
If you think the o-rings may be leaking, you can seal the gag between the insert and the mounting ring with some caulk and see if that stops the water intrusion.
It may be that water is leaking in via the deck drains or even as I had once, a blocked drain tube in the anchor locker. It can be difficult to find the source.
You can also try poppinga deck plate and laying a paper towel under it. Replace the insert and hose down the deck with a lot of water flow.
When the deck water stops pooling, or flowing, pull the deck plate and see how wet or maybe dry the paper towel is. has the caterpillar 6d-9157 orings for 1.06. fit perfect
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The plates can leak in several different ways. Obviously if the o-ring is shot , that can cause leakage but they can also leak if the mounting ring is not well sealed to the deck.
I would question if leaky plates are responsible for a lot of bilge water. Remember that the fuel tank coffins are often sealed from the main bilge to prevent a leaky tank from leaking gas into the bilge.
There are lots of ways that water can get into the bilge.
If you think the o-rings may be leaking, you can seal the gag between the insert and the mounting ring with some caulk and see if that stops the water intrusion.
It may be that water is leaking in via the deck drains or even as I had once, a blocked drain tube in the anchor locker. It can be difficult to find the source.
You can also try poppinga deck plate and laying a paper towel under it. Replace the insert and hose down the deck with a lot of water flow.
When the deck water stops pooling, or flowing, pull the deck plate and see how wet or maybe dry the paper towel is.
I have tried running water in the deck drains and there was no accumulation in the bilge. I haven’t checked the anchor locker. I will. I also had a bow thruster installed and will check around it as well.
The PO's original email asks a very specific question regarding o-rings. I'm wondering if you should step back and define the prob better. If water in the bilge, there are many potential causes. The o-rings could be bad, but wouldn't let a lot of water in. If water is coming in the seal under the frame of the deckplate is something to be checked in addition to the o-ring.
I just purchased Beckson D6S-G O Rings for my 2006 Grady White Tournament access plates which were recommended on this forum. The O rings arrived today and they are too large in diameter (almost 6.5" and too skinny for the plates. The ones that are on it look to be about 1/4" thick and these are about a 1/8". I ordered some 6" GW brand O rings for 6" deck plate... fingers crossed they are the correct ones. Specs said 1/4"
If not, spend the money and get new screw ins - at least for the motor well. Why they would ever put pop-in there is a mystery to me.
Beckson Deck Plate o-rings

These were sized off new Beckson deck plate.
9452K515 Dash number 359 $8.66/5-pack 3/16" x 5 3/4" x 6 1/8" - OEM size.
9452K514 Dash number 358 $8.30/5-pack 3/16" x 5 5/8" x 6" - One size smaller - plates go in and out better. My choice.

Harbor Freight Super Lube 3 oz. clear synthetic grease $8.99
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