Deck Drain Scupper Surprise


GreatGrady Captain
Oct 12, 2017
Reaction score
Manasquan Inlet NJ
Express 265
Here's how my day went. Getting ready to get new motors. It will stay in the water from there for 20 hours of running, then get hauled for 20 hour break-in maintenance and get new bottom paint .
So I'm scraping left over crap from trim tabs, digging barnacles and mussels out of the scuppers. So I notice that 3 out of 4 thru hulls are cracked!

Now I gotta get this done asap.. started into it. Had to cut out the battery shelf (its barely held in with one layer of glass on the top side only.)
That lets me look at the thru hulls and just barely reach them. But I can't reach them and see them at the same time.




Thru hulls look to be chrome over bronze 1-1/2 " barb...2" cutout... they need to be long..3-1/2 " or more-----I see some Stainless from Attwood and from Gemlux that will work
Hose was "1-1/2 inch Wet exhaust with wire(...rusty wire)" each hose is 30" long-----I don't like the wire...probably replace with the white hard-wall VAC hose
Deck drains are flat 2-3/4" flange .. threaded with bottom cut off ( ----this is going to be the red headed stepchild) into an elbow (black) with an 1-1/2" barb---I'll reuse the elbows

I THINK there is a MARELON drain that will work. Going to try West Marine and see if they have one and it will thread into the elbow.
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Well good you caught it now vs 20 miles out.
Keep us posted and thx for the pics....
You'll feel good once it's buttoned up and with new engines!!
For places you can't see and reach at the same time, one of these might be handy, depending on what kind of phone/tablet you have.

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ordered 4 stainless steel Attwood 1-1/2" barb, 2" cutout, with flappers, length is ok say max hull 3" and I measure 2-3/4" $56 each
Ordered 4 white plastic Perko 1-1/2" hose barb, flush mount deck drain....will cut off the barb to screw into the elbows $17 each
ordered one 10oz tube of 3m 5200Fast Cure $25
Ordered some warm weather so it will cure .....but its on backorder....:(
Geeze where on the thru hull were they actually cracked
I have to do mine too, hopefully you are off today working on it with this awesome weather we're having.
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looked at these in West Marine . tested them in the elbow... they will work but $$$$ The chromed plastic ones would work too.
I ordered $17 Perko white plastic. Will post pix when I get them

To get the "good" one out I cut the flange with a thin 40 grit metal grinder and broke off the pieces.

I learned halfway thru to notch it out so you can see how deep you are. once you see the first dot of white sealant, its thin enough to snap off.

Then I used broomstick & hammer to push the whole thing into the boat

when you get the deck drain elbow loose pull some hose and cut that end off. then pull it back and out.
you will not get hoses out with the fittings attached

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ordered 4 stainless steel Attwood 1-1/2" barb, 2" cutout, with flappers, length is ok say max hull 3" and I measure 2-3/4" $56 each
Ordered 4 white plastic Perko 1-1/2" hose barb, flush mount deck drain....will cut off the barb to screw into the elbows $17 each
ordered one 10oz tube of 3m 5200Fast Cure $25
Ordered some warm weather so it will cure .....but its on backorder....:(
Used same Attwood Scuppers when I raised mine 3" a few years ago. They are substantial. On that note you are stylin, I think I paid $75 each at the time.