I was itching to get back on the water and Saturday was going to be the only day i would be able to go for the next few weekends. So, I gathered the crew and we decided we were going fishing come hell or high water!! Well we got the high water for sure. We put in in Joes bayou about 7:15am and headed to the Destin pass. We stopped at the bridge and filled the livewell with greenbacks and headed out. They were calling for 3-5ft seas but once we got out it seemed like they were more like 3-7ft. There were some big boys mixed in there. We all decided we didn't want to do any bottom fishing and we would just troll and see if we could put the first king mackerel of the year in the boat. We trolled a couple of spots pulling dusters/cigar minnows and diving lures. We caught a bunch of FAT bonitas. I mean heavy but still haven't got a king bite. We made a run to a spot out near the Janet that usually holds kings and started trolling. Got a big bite on a fire tiger Rapala mag that some how didn't get stuck very well and either pulled loose or just didn't get hooked. :x Right after we reset the lines after that bite I looked back and we had a good tangle some how on the left two trolling lines. On that side I a duster and orange and black Yo-Zuri bonita. I pulled the duster that was wrapped around the line on the bonita in and cut it loose but still had a good bird nest of line left. My self and another buddy were working on getting the knot done when all of a sudden there was a jerk on the bonita still in the water. We both yelled let go to each other and then the fight was on. I put on a pair of gloves real quick and started pulling on the fish by hand. After about 5 minutes I put the first king of the year on the deck. Wasn't big but he felt allot bigger with no rod and reel!! I don't see how those old school hand-liners done it. We threw out some live bait and caught one more about 15lbs. We looked up had to make the run home as the storms were building. Guess ya never know whats gonna happen till ya get out there. Always fun with a good crew/good folks
The hand liner:: 30in nose to fork
The hand liner:: 30in nose to fork