Does anyone have the new SHARROW propellers on their Grady white 330

what kind of $50-100 prop are you putting on your boat? i would say the average cost of a SS prop that most in the target segment of boaters use is between $400 and $900. nobody considering a sharrow would consider a $50 prop. claiming that they cost 100x is really cherry picking your comparison points.
There are $100-$150 props for sale on Amazon for different makes and models of 200-250 hp outboards... not that I'd personally want to go that cheap, but if one wanted to then they sure could. Regardless if it's a $50-$100 prop, or your claim of being between $400 and $900... you're still talking about an additional 5x-100x more money spent per each propeller comparatively.

I'd be really curious as to what Ken at Prop Gods has to say about the Sharrow props...
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ive been wondering this as well. to the point that i may just call him to get this take
I think any expert in any field would be a little dubious about a product which makes the kind of claims that sharrow does.
I think any expert in any field would be a little dubious about a product which makes the kind of claims that sharrow does.
And the fact that it appears that nobody on any boating forums has one, or even knows anyone who has one, kind of shows that everyone is very skeptical of their product. I can see this as a potential game-changer in boat racing if they can get even half the performance gains they claim, but I'll bet a soda it never gains any traction with the general boating community.
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‘Expert’ is almost impossible to define, especially on a boating forum. But anyone whose livelihood depended on competing with Sharrow would be remiss in not investigating it fully.
As far as gaining traction goes, how much do you think it would have if it cost $500, rather than $5000? It makes it easier for some people to rationalize disregarding the possibilities, by saying that I don’t believe the hype, rather than saying, I can’t afford it.
‘Expert’ is almost impossible to define, especially on a boating forum. But anyone whose livelihood depended on competing with Sharrow would be remiss in not investigating it fully.
As far as gaining traction goes, how much do you think it would have if it cost $500, rather than $5000? It makes it easier for some people to rationalize disregarding the possibilities, by saying that I don’t believe the hype, rather than saying, I can’t afford it.
Eh, there's likely no issue with others, and especially myself, not being able to afford it as $5k isn't really a ton of money compared to what most people likely have into their boats at this point. I personally just look at it, as well as any other purchase in regards of... is it worth $5k to me? Is it something that I need to have or buy? Is there going to be any long term savings or will it add value to the boat? The answer to all of those questions would be a resounding no, imo. This propeller isn't on the top of my list, nor is even in the top 10 on my list of important things for my boat, and there are other things that I'll use considerably more for $5k instead of a mere propeller. I'd think radar, a kicker motor, autopilot, additional electronics or even just putting that money towards other boating expenses would be a much better deal. If everyone, or even really anyone at this point, had one then and had nothing but great things to say about the product then it might be a bit of a different story. I'm all for saving fuel and money, even if it took a couple of seasons to see those savings. That being said, when you're unable to find even one person, especially on THT that has over 100k members, that has experience with a Sharrow prop and the only reviews you're going off of are from the Sharrow website? That doesn't give me any confidence or reassurance in the product or their claims at all. But hey, since you can clearly afford it and believe in all of the hype, why don't you buy one yourself and tell us exactly how great they are?
Certainly someone on this forum has a supercomputer with a 3D fluid dynamics program on it who can tell us how a prop with holes in its blades is 20-30% more efficient at converting rotational energy into forward thrust! But seriously, ff this new prop is so phenomenal, then why do we not see a similar adaptation in water pumping industry? Most any water utility would jump on a 20-30% pumping cost savings.
Certainly someone on this forum has a supercomputer with a 3D fluid dynamics program on it who can tell us how a prop with holes in its blades is 20-30% more efficient at converting rotational energy into forward thrust! But seriously, ff this new prop is so phenomenal, then why do we not see a similar adaptation in water pumping industry? Most any water utility would jump on a 20-30% pumping cost savings.
Or jetskis? I assume they could make a jetski prop based on the same principles.