Does GW color fade?


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Jan 26, 2022
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Freedom 285
I am looking to purchase my first GW. Possibly Freedom 285. My last boat was not the same quality as a Grady, and the beautiful bright red accents on the gel coat faded badly over time. I really like the blue and light blue GW colors, but if they are going to fade badly, i would just stick with white. What has been your experience? Thank you.
Hey Popeye:

Colors fade faster in the sun & elements than white, but everything fades if not waxed and maintained. Give it a year unprotected and you'll notice a difference.

I have a Marlin with the "Sand Brown" colored hullsides and I waxed it every 6 weeks when we were in Fla. Now the boat is in Michigan so the season is shorter, but it still gets waxed about 3 times in a 2 month summer.

Get whatever color you want and wax it regularly or have a detailer do it for you and your boat will not fade.

A "Ceramic Coating" is another option. I have it on my running surface and it makes it easier to wipe scum off the hull. Some opt to have their whole boat ceramic coated, and I've heard it works well. Even so, it's more expensive and you'll need to re apply yearly anyway, I'm pretty sure.
A lot depends on the color process, paint or gel coat.
My guess is that painted hulls fade easier than colored gelcoat. It is possible that more modern paints hold up better but I can't say for sure.
Of course gel coat will fade over time too but may be easier to 'renew' by compounding and polishing.
Painted hulls I think are harder to repair for small scratches. I have also seen painted hulls get seriously damaged by shrink wrap.
Right side of the line is what our recently purchased 2015 Freedom 225 looked like after 6 seasons outside. The previous owner paid for detailing, but not sure how often.

Good news though is how well Grady White boats clean up. Left side was hand polished and hand waxed plus a rub rail cleaner.

She came out looking great!

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My info is that the majority of the hull side color on gradys are paint not Gel. I’m sure some of the full hull and bottom full boat colors are all gel, but my boat was definitely paint from the factory on the sides over the gel hull color. Paint will have less fade given the same maintenance as gel over time, but will still eventually fade.
As stated, all will fade. The GW cream color will fade white over time. You can clean or use a light compound to bring it back but in my experience it doesn't last a season. I clean the hull every year with Colinite Cleaner and then wax and don't worry about it. I do the same to some of the topside as well.
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My info is that the majority of the hull side color on gradys are paint not Gel. I’m sure some of the full hull and bottom full boat colors are all gel, but my boat was definitely paint from the factory on the sides over the gel hull color. Paint will have less fade given the same maintenance as gel over time, but will still eventually fade.
Interesting,If you go the Grady website is lists all the color options as gelcoat. I had heard that due to production shortages, the factory was making all white hulls and painting to order. I don't know what the true story is but I am pretty sure that when hull colors were first offered, they were gelcoat
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Gelcoat, by far, is the most common "aesthetic" used on production boats, including Grady. Generally speaking, paint will retain it's gloss longer (Awlgrip, for example), but as noted, it does require special care in some cases and is harder to repair.

But, yes, all gelcoat fades - but depending on the quality of the gelcoat it will fade less, or not change color as much. Maintenance is the key - a good quality wax and keep up on it. I'm a huge fan of Collinite 885 for it's longevity. But there are plenty of good products.
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Right side of the line is what our recently purchased 2015 Freedom 225 looked like after 6 seasons outside. The previous owner paid for detailing, but not sure how often.

Good news though is how well Grady White boats clean up. Left side was hand polished and hand waxed plus a rub rail cleaner.

View attachment 24406
She came out looking great!

View attachment 24407
Not sure what year this boat is (just reread and see it is a 2015) but it is looking fabulous. However given what dual action polishers can do now I can't imagine doing any car, truck no less a boat by hand. A dual action polisher and foam pad(s) will duplicate what you have here in half the time. But you are going to turn heads with this boat where ever you pull in! PS: what did you use to clean your rub rail?
Unfortunately my machine buffer broke after using for 5 min so had to do by hand. Teaching the kiddos how to do this anyway the old fashion way.
For the rub rail I used this starbrite rub rail restorer.

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Everything fades. Proper maintenance will definitely maximize the durability and resist fade. I think lighter colors are easier to maintain though and seem to keep their shine longer. A friend had a maroon Regal years ago and buffer manufacturers loved that color. The sand and sea foam greens seem to stay nicer longer.... properly maintained of course.
Traditionally, red pigments have been the worst - meaning, the most susceptible to fading. However, formulations of gel pigments have improved (for about 15-years at least, now) and better manufacturers are using those better products. Of course, I doubt a red color is in Popeye's future if he's looking at a Grady!