Does the radar have to have a wedge?


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
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Radardome. I get the idea of the wedge, but does it make that huge of a difference? Will we be safe without it?

The vertical beam width is likely 25* on that radar. You may see a little bit of difference between target detection dead ahead when the boat is moving slowly and when the bow is higher when up on plane. But you will be quite "safe" in either case, at least wrt the radar performance.

I had two different radars on our 270 over the years and no wedge.
Thanks bud. Not trying to be cheap, just trying to nail down the level of priority. Right now, the trailer is at the very top of my concerns but getting blowback about the radar from the photos and can never nail down just why and to what extent.

So, I can add it, and may do so, but does not have to be this week, got it.

Tonight will be getting a 6 ton bottle jack so I can lift and test tires, then tomorrow will be hooking up everything in the electronics box and testing. If the wheels are okay on the trailer, I will be good to go for Friday, otherwise it will be another week.
I bought a Garmin 18xHD and a wedge. Never installed the wedge. Works fine from what I can tell.
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My radar mount came with plastic washers to use as "shims". You can get them from west marine, simply put 1 or two on the back bolts to give the dome 2-4 degrees of forward tilt.
many are mounted directly to the GW hardtop. I have a mount and recommend it.
Mine is bolted directly to top. My model hardtop has a slight slope down going forward, so with radar mounted at front edge, it is perfect.
I've seen many a GW with a dome mounted directly to the hardtop and had one on my 282 as well. Radar worked perfect.