Duramax Towing


Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
La Habra, Ca.
I am trying to come up to speed on all the towing requirements with my Duramax before I purchase a Grady. It appears the factory tow hitch is not rated and or safe for heavy tows. I know you other truck owners will have a field day with this but I just wanted it to be out there for others to consider this that may not be aware like I was.

I would also like to know which trailer ball style connection you all prefer. I am looking at the B&W tow and stow but not sure if they make a class V combo?



ps I do not work for any companys listed in these threads. I consider this a safety issue and just want it out there for everyone to consider.
What model Grady are you lookin at,and how are you gonna equipt it..Most if not all factory hitches on all model trucks are not able to legally pull to advertized max towing.A lot of folks just ignor that annd get the proper size ball to match the trailer..In my case I stayed within the law and have a smaller boat. :wink: [/b]

Yeh. Just pull it. Thats all im going to say. If you have a duramax just pull it since thats what it was made to do! I tow a 7000# boat with my chipped up duramax no problem and still get 12 mpg.