E10 may be going to E15..Time to get involved

Stabil won't help of they go top 15%. Ask your engine manufacturer ...
I'm not sure which engines are able to run on E15. I know mine states 10% Ethanol max.
What I feel needs to happen is that the fuel companies should offer a ethanol blend and a non-ethanol fuel at their stations. The ethanol blend shall be for 87 and 89 octanes and the non-ethanol shall be for the high test 90+ octane. This would benefit both us the boaters on and off the water plus the high level vehicles that have to run on higher octane fuel. This would also improve in the fuel economy of those boats and vehicles since they run much better/cleaner with the non-ethanol fuel. Just my 2 cents and an easy way to avoid any problems. But that's right we are dealing the United States Government and an easy solution would never go that way!!