Electronics for a 2003 270


Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
Coos Bay Oregon
I've been looking for two years for a 270 and finally bite the bullet and bought one 3000 miles away in Florida. They just don't come up for sale on the west coast for some reason. I've seen them so i know they are out here but they don't often come up for sale.
Anyway, now I am a proud owner of a Grady White 270 I would love to hear from owners on recomendations for an electronics package. My 270 needs it all.
I'm an old retired guy and feel like a little kid with a new toy. Any advbice for a new Grady owner would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone
ocnslr said:
Congrats on the Islander 270. A great boat.

Thanks. Is that your Grady in the pix? I've seen her before somewhere. A beautiful boat. You have 150's? From the test data that grady has sent me thats id the best package for fuel economy. Mine has twin F225's.
Two years ago i saw a 268 with 2 stroke outboards in San Deigo and almost bought her but didn't. I said to myself, hold on there boy no need to buy the first one you see, do some shopping and i did. Two years latter i decided I'm tired of waiting and at 68 I may not have all that many years left so a couple of new boats came up for sale and i put in an offer on one which was accepted. Now all i have to do is drive 3,000 miles to take delivery and tow her back to Oregon. I'm retired so have the time. We have millions of boats out here but 268-270's for sale has happened for me once in two years. That says something about how owners like thing dosen't it.
Got any ideas for electronics? I've got enough money left to buy a nice electronics package what would you recomend?
bfloyd4445 said:
ocnslr said:
Thanks. Is that your Grady in the pix? I've seen her before somewhere. A beautiful boat. You have 150's? From the test data that grady has sent me thats id the best package for fuel economy. Mine has twin F225's.
Two years ago i saw a 268 with 2 stroke outboards in San Deigo and almost bought her but didn't. I said to myself, hold on there boy no need to buy the first one you see, do some shopping and i did. Two years latter i decided I'm tired of waiting and at 68 I may not have all that many years left so a couple of new boats came up for sale and i put in an offer on one which was accepted. Now all i have to do is drive 3,000 miles to take delivery and tow her back to Oregon. I'm retired so have the time. We have millions of boats out here but 268-270's for sale has happened for me once in two years. That says something about how owners like thing dosen't it.
Got any ideas for electronics? I've got enough money left to buy a nice electronics package what would you recomend?

I'm also 68. Retired from the USN in 1993 and retiring again next Spring. We are moving from Norfolk, VA to Ft. Myers Beach, FL and will be taking the boat down on her bottom in April.

We bought the boat new with a single OX66 250HP 2-stroke, but repowered in the third year for greater fuel economy so we could fish offshore. We only have the single 150-gal tank.

Our electronics have developed over the years from the original Lowrance LCX-15MT, to an LCX-16C, to an LCX-19, to an LCX-112C. We now have an HDS-12M with Sonar Hub feed, plus an NSS-8 with a separate transducer. Radar and weather available on both. AIS info shows on both. Simrad AP-24 controllable from head unit or MFD. Twin fixed VHFs, with separate antennas and separate power feeds (i.e. one on house bank the other on engine bank). Handheld VHF and GPS for the ditch bag, along with the EPIRB. All installed by me.

Electronics selection is a function of budget, brand preference, installation options/locations, and the use you intend for the vessel.

ocnslr said:
bfloyd4445 said:
ocnslr said:
Thanks. Is that your Grady in the pix? I've seen her before somewhere. A beautiful boat. You have 150's? From the test data that grady has sent me thats id the best package for fuel economy. Mine has twin F225's.
Two years ago i saw a 268 with 2 stroke outboards in San Deigo and almost bought her but didn't. I said to myself, hold on there boy no need to buy the first one you see, do some shopping and i did. Two years latter i decided I'm tired of waiting and at 68 I may not have all that many years left so a couple of new boats came up for sale and i put in an offer on one which was accepted. Now all i have to do is drive 3,000 miles to take delivery and tow her back to Oregon. I'm retired so have the time. We have millions of boats out here but 268-270's for sale has happened for me once in two years. That says something about how owners like thing dosen't it.
Got any ideas for electronics? I've got enough money left to buy a nice electronics package what would you recomend?

I'm also 68. Retired from the USN in 1993 and retiring again next Spring. We are moving from Norfolk, VA to Ft. Myers Beach, FL and will be taking the boat down on her bottom in April.

We bought the boat new with a single OX66 250HP 2-stroke, but repowered in the third year for greater fuel economy so we could fish offshore. We only have the single 150-gal tank.

Our electronics have developed over the years from the original Lowrance LCX-15MT, to an LCX-16C, to an LCX-19, to an LCX-112C. We now have an HDS-12M with Sonar Hub feed, plus an NSS-8 with a separate transducer. Radar and weather available on both. AIS info shows on both. Simrad AP-24 controllable from head unit or MFD. Twin fixed VHFs, with separate antennas and separate power feeds (i.e. one on house bank the other on engine bank). Handheld VHF and GPS for the ditch bag, along with the EPIRB. All installed by me.

Electronics selection is a function of budget, brand preference, installation options/locations, and the use you intend for the vessel.


Congradulations on your second retirement :dance You put the best engines for economy on your boat according to data Grady sent me., You should get 45mph top speed with about 1300 pounds of gears people on board. I'm not familiar with any of those models but thanks for taking the time to list them.
I'm leaving for Florida next week to go pick up my Grady if it meets my expectations. The owner has put lots of money into it to get it going after neglecting it for years. Has 103-104 hours on engines and is a 2003 model. I've had bigger boats always had at least two boats at any given time if I buy this one it will put me back at three. I've been looking for two year.
Anbyway my friend if you ever get out west rattle my cage and we will go fishing or something.
I envy you making the trip to Florida on the water! Outstanding, email me some pix from your cell phone to really rub it in. I'll pm you with my email How far can you go on one tank of fuel? Guess we find that out in april huh?
ocnslr said:
bfloyd4445 said:
ocnslr said:
Thanks. Is that your Grady in the pix? I've seen her before somewhere. A beautiful boat. You have 150's? From the test data that grady has sent me thats id the best package for fuel economy. Mine has twin F225's.
Two years ago i saw a 268 with 2 stroke outboards in San Deigo and almost bought her but didn't. I said to myself, hold on there boy no need to buy the first one you see, do some shopping and i did. Two years latter i decided I'm tired of waiting and at 68 I may not have all that many years left so a couple of new boats came up for sale and i put in an offer on one which was accepted. Now all i have to do is drive 3,000 miles to take delivery and tow her back to Oregon. I'm retired so have the time. We have millions of boats out here but 268-270's for sale has happened for me once in two years. That says something about how owners like thing dosen't it.
Got any ideas for electronics? I've got enough money left to buy a nice electronics package what would you recomend?

I'm also 68. Retired from the USN in 1993 and retiring again next Spring. We are moving from Norfolk, VA to Ft. Myers Beach, FL and will be taking the boat down on her bottom in April.

We bought the boat new with a single OX66 250HP 2-stroke, but repowered in the third year for greater fuel economy so we could fish offshore. We only have the single 150-gal tank.

Our electronics have developed over the years from the original Lowrance LCX-15MT, to an LCX-16C, to an LCX-19, to an LCX-112C. We now have an HDS-12M with Sonar Hub feed, plus an NSS-8 with a separate transducer. Radar and weather available on both. AIS info shows on both. Simrad AP-24 controllable from head unit or MFD. Twin fixed VHFs, with separate antennas and separate power feeds (i.e. one on house bank the other on engine bank). Handheld VHF and GPS for the ditch bag, along with the EPIRB. All installed by me.

Electronics selection is a function of budget, brand preference, installation options/locations, and the use you intend for the vessel.


Hi Brian,
Congrats on your retirement and upcoming move. Hope you enjoy it on the west coast. Stay in touch and let us know how you adjust to the warmer climate and water!